***Turkey Baster?s Check-In***
Welcome to the November Turkey Baster?s 2012 check-in!!! Check in are on Sundays and Thursdays!
This is a check-in for those who are doing IVF or FET with an ER/ET scheduled for November. If you are interested in joining, please fill us in on your cycle below (# IVF cycle, where you are in the process, etc.) Be sure to update along the way!
Congrats to all of those with BFPs. And HUGE HUGE hugs to those who need it.
Siggy (just add the end brackets to front and back)
What?s the worst TTC ?advice? you?ve gotten?
? Ball.and.chain ET Nov 6th- CONGRATS! U/S 11/28
? Carolina Blue Skies FET Nov 1st ? CONGRATS! U/S 11/28!
? Cdale86 ET Nov 7th ? Beta Nov 19th- CONGRATS!
? Destinyr61309 ET Nov 6th Congrats!
? Maggie2324 FET Nov 5th!! ? CONGRATS!! U/S 11/30!
? Precious72381 ET Nov 11th- Beta Nov 20th! Congrats!
? Reemap916 ET Nov 13th! Congrats!
? Sassy1JA ET Nov 10th!? Congrats!
? Spring Fever FET ET Nov 18th! Congrats!
? Daiseydooda IVF #1 ER Nov 14th! (Hugs) So Sorry!
? J&D2007 BFN on HPT (Hugs) So Sorry!
? Hopeful3434 ? Sorry, hun1 Hugs!
? KSFrye FET Nov 12th ? ((hugs!))

? KFlynn81 ET Nov 12th!

So sorry love.
? Firefly062 ET Nov 9th Beta Nov 20- BFN - so sorry Huge Hugs!
? Freeman2121 ET Nov 9th! ? (hugs) So sorry!
? Shea202 ET Nov 11th! ((hugs!))
? Sunflowers4AC ET Nov 9th! (Hugs) So Sorry!
? Trey444 ET Nov 11th! So sorry love.
? Vensell ET Nov 18th So sorry, hun. Hugs!
Turkey Angels:
? Bluek210 ET Nov 10th - ? No! Sorry hun. Huge hugs!
? LauraKat81 ET Nov 12 I?m so sorry, love. ((hugs!!!))
? NurseCheryl81 ET Nov 2nd . ((((hugs!!)))) So so sorry.
? Asilwhite IVF #1
? Baker916 IVF #1 Snow bunny now!
? Bhead81 IVF #1- Delayed. Boo Insurance
? Brooke888Wed157297 IVF #1- Snow Bunny now!
? Chucktgirl ((hugs))
? Crystal120410 ((hugs))
? DebateThis IVF #1 ((hugs))
? Jenn0620 IVF #2 in Jan 2013 ((hugs!!))
? Keephope2012 IVF #1 Converted to IUI
? Spinch- On hold, Starting soon!
? SteFizzRich ER Nov 1st- Freeze all.. FET early Dec!
In the 2WW:
? AprilBeachBride ET Nov 19th! Good Luck!
? Brooklynesque IVF #2 ET Nov 23th! Good luck! Beta 12/4!
? CNYBride05 IVF #1 ET Nov 23! Good Luck! Beta 12/3!
? DJMa81 ET Nov 29th - Good luck!
? JewelsW1980 IVF #1 ET Nov 24th! Good Luck! Beta 12/5!
? Maybe Joleisa IVF #2 ER Nov 26th!
? Mayzie15 IVF #2 ER Nov 26th!
? Melkel559 ET Nov 17th! Good luck! Beta 11/30!
? MsGMChick IVF #1 ET Nov 23th! Good luck! Beta 12/7!
? RequiresExalted IVF #1 ET Nov 16th! Good Luck!
? RexManningDay ET Nov 12th! ? Good luck!
? Rorr2 IVF #2 ET Nov 22th! Good Luck!
? rrdiva1 IVF #2 ET Nov 24th! Good luck!
? Wadzfaith IVF #1 ER Nov 21st! ET Nov 26th!
Between ER/ ET:
? CoastalChristina IVF #1 ER 11/28
? Mrs. Erin IVF #1 ER Nov 28!
? pbj1975 IVF #2 ER Nov 28!
? BrideJackie11 IVF #1 ER 11/30?
On suppressants (BCP/Lupron):
Re: ~* Nov Turkey Baster Check In! *~
Will find out tomorrow afternoon how my embryos are doing and if we'll have the transfer on Saturday or Monday.
QOTD: the worse advice was from a friend after finding out our issue is MFI was to go pick up a hot guy at a bar. It was said as a joke but still very inappropriate.
Me 33 DH 36 Together 10 years, Married 5 years
TTC #1 since 8/2007 with MFI
November 2012 - IVF w/ ICSI #1; 11/28/12 - ER 12 eggs! 11 fertilized! 12/3/12 - ET - transferred 1 AA Blastocyst
Charlotte Hannah -born 8/13/13.
You can move me to the BFN list.
Good luck everyone. *hugs*
Thanks again MsGMChick and CoastalChristina for updating these check-ins for us--the time involved to do so has not gone unnoticed!
Update: 3 embies on board...programmed in the address for PAIF in the GPS.
It's a large van, so I'm hoping we can all ride there together...I'll drive.
QOTD: It took a long time for me to share with any of my girlfriends about our IF journey. I tested the waters with my friend who was a nurse prior to our first cycle in August. She didn't try to give me any advice, but she did warn me that we could end up with twins if we do IVF. OMG I HAD NO IDEA.
TTC since 10/2010
IUIs # 1-5 = BFFN
IVF # 1(July 2012) = BFN
IVF # 2 (November 2012) = BFP (MIssed MC D&C @ 8w3d on 1/10/13)
I'm sorry.
MaybeJ- Thank you!
CC- FX for you, love, and those embies.
Update: Not much except the 2ww driving me craycray. I'm 9dpo and cramping on and off the last day or so. FX! Also, took my mom to the ER via 911 again- Wooooo! This time she was admitted and is still there. She started having seizures which she's never had before and arrhythmias from severely low potassium levels. They replaced the potassium but can't keep it up- it keeps falling. This is one way to test the, "Does Stress Effect the 2WW"? LOL
QOTD: Oh there's so many... Someone once told me if MH knew he wasn't suppose to pull out? Um, wow. I have another friend who's PAIF now and she once got told but a DOCTOR that her H should pull out "half way through" because all the good guys are at the front. Again, no. There's much research to say that bigger orgasms and the end of the group are "better" and pull from further in.
Seems like an awful lot of BFN this month compared to last:-( Sorry to you all and best wishes moving forward. Congrats to all those BFP's!
My beta was officially a 0.
10/11: after 2 years, saw a RE, FSH 5.4
11/11: BFP! (surprise after thyroid & normal hsg),
12/11: missed m/c after 7 week u/s, 1/12: D&C
6/12 IUI#1-IUI #3: clomid = BFP!, C/P
IVF #1(10/12) FSH 5.4, AFC: 16 long Lupron, 5R/5M/4F, all 4 made it to 5dt, 1 blast/1-8 cell transferred=BFN
IVF #2(12/12)AFC 21, MD lupron, 4R/4M/3F, 5dt of 1 blast and 2-8cell. BFN.
IVF#3(4/13) Natural start antagon protocol, 12R,11F. one PGS normal at day 6 transfer. BFN.
IVF#4 (11/13) C.CRM (ODW.U normal 8/13 Still no Diagnosis) EPP/antagonist. ER 13R/7M/6F. Only 1 made it to freeze. Abnormal. Looking into options of DE, Fresh vs frozen.
10/14 new local RE to look into what's next. CD3 FSH 4.7, AMH 0.9. Met with DE agencies and exploring options for feb/march 2015.
Surprise natural bfp (4 days before donor is signed). Beta #1 at 9dpo: 51.8, 2nd beta: 195 (25 hours doubling) @11dpo. 3rd beta (12/15): 516 (35 hrs doubling) 4th beta(12/17): 895 (58 hours doubling) 5th beta(12/19): 2120. U/S at 5w0d(12/22): one gestational sac with yolk sac. U/S #2 (6w0d)12/29. One little bean measuring 6w0d with HR 124. 3rd u/s(1/4)7w0d: baby measuring 7w2d. HR 134. 3/30: A/S at MFM went great except for low lying placenta. Verifi results are normal! Team Blue! Please send any positive thoughts our way! EDD:8/24/2015
Baby Will born 8/18. He's perfect.
My ET is scheduled for tomorrow morning at 9:45am! Of the 5 eggs retrieved, 3 fertilized. We are waiting till tomorrow morning to see how they are doing to decide how many to transfer.
QOTD - I don't know if it really counts as TTC advice..... but my mom doesn't quite understand how badly we want a second child. She often times tell us we should "cut our losses" and just be thankful for the daughter we have.
Tomorrow is my second beta. First one at 10dp5dt was 104. I'm not feeling any symptoms today, although the past few days I've been nauseas on and off and had heartburn. No sore boons but I feel really bloated. Grr, I hate IF! Why do I have to worry so much?! >:}
qotd: someone told me to carry around nuts as they symbolize fertility. Koo koo!
ETA : Beta#2 at 12dp5dt was 330
Hi Ladies! I am now in the 2ww... Retrieval was on the 21st, ET was this past Tuesday on the 27th. Beta will be 12/5!!
QOTD: not much outside of the regular, "Just relax," "why don't you adopt, I had a friend who adopted and came back and found out she was pregnant," "Maybe it's not meant to be," and mostly the "get drunk and stand on your head for an hour"
Q: I was advised to make sure I am having really good sex. Yeahhhh..unfortunately DH's swimmers don't multiply in number if we have a great sack session. Although that would be AWESOME.
GL to all the Basters and hugs to those who need them!
DX: DH (30) severe MFI, severely low count & low motility
Me (32): all clear
Appt with Urologist 5/21/12: exam, ultrasound, bloodwork all normal.
Testicular Biopsy with TESE on 6/8/12. good sperm found! (left side only) froze sperm, failed thaw test
Orientation for IVF/ICSI on 6/13/12. Waiting for the green light following biopsy results...results show adequate sperm production both sides.
2nd SA 6/18/12: sample is "adequate for ICSI"
Plan: IVF/ICSI July 2012!
ER: 7/26/12. 15 eggs retrieved, all mature.
TESE/TESA/aspiration from epididymis, no motile sperm found
froze all eggs, the saga of praying for good sperm continues.
8/3/12: 2nd opinion from MFI uro on biopsy slides. Suspects "partial late maturation arrest."
Plan: more SAs, third biopsy/TESE with frozen back-up either from DH or DS.
SA 8/17/12: Zero sperm
SA 8/23/12: Zero sperm
9/26/12: SPERM FOUND! 15 eggs thawed, 12 survived and were ICSI'd, only 3 fertilized normally. Refrozen as embies and will thaw in Nov. Please survive and grow!
All 3 survived the thaw on 11/15/12!
FET 11/17/12: transferred 2, one 4B, one 4C. Beta 11/30:BFFN
moving on to DS
DIUI#1 2/18/13,50mg Clomid cd 3-7, Ovidrel trigger, Beta 3/4/13: BFN.
DIUI#2 3/19/13, 50 mg Clomid cd 3-7, Ovidrel trigger, Beta #1 (14dpiui) 4/2/13: BFP!!!! 150. Beta #2 4/4/13: 420 Beta #3 4/8/13: 2691. Beta #4 4/15/13: 15,086
1st u/s 4/8/13 shows one gestational sac
2nd u/s 4/15/13 shows yolk sac, fetal pole and early heartbeat
3rd u/s 4/25/13: measuring right on track. Heart rate 148 bpm
A/S 7/22/13: IT'S A BOY!!
PAIF/SAIF Always Welcome
[IMG]http://i49.tinypic.com/2qmon5u.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i225.photobucket.com/albums/dd243/laurakat24/turkeybaster-1.jpg"[/IMG]
QOTD I've heard so many if we went on a vacation we would get pregnant. If we relaxed it would happen. Neither if these are going ti help our severe MFI. Perhaps my favorite is why spend all this money and be selfish to have your own child. There are a lot of children that need homes in foster care or we should adopt.
Me 38 MH 41 - TTC since June 2010 - dx with Severe MFI. Straight to IVF with ICSI. IVF #1 - ER 06/13/12 - 9 Eggs Retrieved - 4 ICSI'd - only 2 fert. 06/15/12 - 2DT - 3 cell & 6 cell with fragmentation. Beta 06/29/12 - IVF #1 = BFN. 07/20/12 - WTF Appt -Told by our RE to quit IVF. Second Opinion from RE is good. IVF#2 - November 2012. Estradiol Pills Started 11/6. Stims start 11/16. ER 11/26 - 7 eggs retrieved - all mature. 4 fertilized with ICSI. ET 11/29 Transferred 3 embryos. Beta is 12/10. 1st Beta 81 2nd Beta 160 and 3rd beta 360!!! First U/S 12/21/12 - We saw one beautiful gest. sac. 2nd U/S is 01/04/2013 - H/B 183 02/05/13 - NT Scan - everything looks good and IT'S A BOY! Aiden was born 08/20/2013.
IVF #2 is in progress. ER was 05/12/14 - 11 eggs retrieved, 8 fertilized with ICSI. ET was 05/15/14 - we transferred 3 embryos as we did on the cycle my son was conceived. We were able to freeze 3 embryos. Beta is scheduled for 05/26/14. 1st beta - 111. 2nd beta - 159 didn't double
3rd beta Friday 5/30) - not a lot of hope left. Beta # 3 is 247 - probably ectopic. Beta # 4 is 813 - possibly vanishing multiple sydrome? 06/05/14 - 5w4days - first U/S - we see a gestational sac and yolk - still have hope! 06/17/14 - 7w1day - U/S and saw and heard the heartbeat - Finally! 06/27/14 - 8w4days - Baby and heartbeat look and sound great
EDD 02/01/14 and It's a boy!
"Everything will be okay in the end. If it's not okay, it's not the end."
In the 2WW, trying to become patient, which is totally against my nature
QOTD: Someone told me that we should put two in so I can get it overwith in one shot, BECAUSE being pregnant is not FUN. (Thanks for totally not getting that is the whole point of this journey and not realizing how greatful I would be to have the chance)
Best of Luck
11/21/2012: ER 12R/8F
10/28/2012: begin IVF w/ICSI (lupron & follistim protocol)
07/2012: DH unsuccessful vas repair/ sperm harvested
03/2012: DH vas blockage discovered
01/2012: S/A came back zero
01/2009: TTC on own 12/6/08: Married Me:31 DH:36 -azoospermia
ER is tomorrow but I think we are likely going to have to freeze and transfer later. My E2 was too. We also want to do genetic testing on the embryos if it is possible. I've been torn on this for the fragile x (I am intermediate risk).
Good luck to everyone. ((hugs)) to those that need it.
, beta #3 3/4: 268 told to stop meds and let nature take its course. requested 4th beta (3/6); Beta hell for 2 months.
Married June 2011 Dx: anovulatory due to prolactinoma (1.5cmx 1.5cm in 2006)
April 2012: MRI- questionable cyst 8mg by 12mm in pituitary ; referred to RE by Ob-gyn after amenorrhea x 4+ months, provera ineffective, low estrogen level
cycle 1: May 2012, clomid 50mg; cycle cancelled, thin lining, no response
cycle 2: June 2012, femara 5mg; cycle cancelled, no response
cycle 3: July 2012, femara 7.5mg; cycle cancelled (largest folli on Cd12 & cd 16: 11, lining 4)
Repeat MRI July 25,2012- Cyst unchanged, likely old infarction.
Aug. 8: met with RE, move to injectables if HSG and SA normal
Aug. 23: HSG all clear; DH- perfect
Switched to a new RE in early Sept. IVF here we come
Genetic testing reveals: Fragile X- Intermediate risk/grey zone.
IVF#1: ER 11/30: 14 retrieved, 10 mature, 7 fertilized. E2 prior to trigger 5200. Decision made to freeze 6 embryos and transfer later due to OHSS.
IVF#1.2/FET #1: estrogen injects start 1/18, FET delayed to try to thicken lining. lining 5.4mm. FET- 2/18- transferred one 3AA expanded blast. BFP 5dp5dt. Beta #1- 2/27 9dp5dt- 102.27 beta #2 3/1: 147
FET # 2: endometrial scratch 5/6, added estrace vaginally and ASA to delestrogen and PIO. June 10- transferred one 4AA hatched embryo, BFP 4dp6dt, Beta 1 (9dp6dt) 187, Beta 2 (11dp6dt): 412; Beta 3 (15dp6dt ): 4452. U/S #1- one beautiful embryo with a heartbeat of 133 at 7 weeks. 8 weeks: heartbeat 156. EDD 2/26/2014: born 2-3-14 induced due to Pre-E and HELLP at 36w5d.
12/1: met with RE to discuss trying for #2
I had an inconclusive u/s Tuesday, but they went ahead and told me to stop all meds, and today my number was down to 122. Hope it drops quickly, as hormones are making my face looks like a big ugly pizza. Another u/s tomorrow, not really sure why at this point.
My lab is closed 12/20 to 1/8 so we are definitely out until the new year. hopefully lucky 13?!
My wonderful husband is taking me out to sushi tomorrow and scheduled me a massage at The Four Seasons on Saturday.
Qotd: this weekend someone told be to make sure to orgasm after my husband so the contractions draw the sperm upwards and into the uterus. And this from someone knowing we are doing ivf. Wtf?!
I'm PUPO!!!!!!!!! Transferred one embie this am! Taking it easy over the weekend. Going in Monday for bloodwork to check progesterone level. Then beta on December 10th!!!!!
QOTD: I hate hearing.....oh just relax and it will happen. Lol....some ppl really don't have a clue about IF.
I'm still in the 2ww crazyland! Beta is next Wednesday and feels years away...hoping for a busy weekend so I can't think of anything else. I want to test, DH says NO! Ohhhh....what shall I do.
QOTD- My friend sent me a link with ways to get pregnant by changing my diet....ya know because a medical diagnosis wasn't proof enough that it wasn't our fault. Same friend also told me to make sure I O'd during the deed because that suctioned the good sperm into my body.
I think I need new friends. :O
Me- 32, DH- 32- TTC for 4 Years
IUIs 1-6 BFN
IVF #1= BFP- M/C
FET- Beta#1: 69, #2: 482, #3: 1088, #4: 28,318, Ultrasound- 1 beautiful heartbeat
It's a boy!
NTNP 2009-2012 TTC since 2012:
Jack has handpicked his sibling up there
My blog about IF and loss ... Kate's IF Blog
My ML told DH I should think about using my SIL for a surrogate
TTC since 9/10 consult 1/12 All testing came back fine Diagnosed with Unexplained infertility -3 medicated IUI's All BFN IVF - ER 11/14 24R, 15M, 13F ET 11/19, BETA 11/28 BFFN --Next step FET in Jan ET scheduled for 1/24. Beta #1 350 Beta #2 735. U/S Hell. miscarriage D&C at 9weeks. FET #2 ET 5/28 cancelled FET# 2.5 6/26 ET Beta 7/5 302 7/7 Beta #2 632 Everyone welcome
We go in for our first U/S on Dec 5! So far so good....
QOTD: A lady heard our story, about how DH had cancer and that's our reason for infertility (complication from surgery, then followed by radiation). She said, to my husband, "Well, you've had cancer... Why would you even WANT to have kids? Why put them through that?" Excuse me? This type of cancer isn't passed down from parent to child, it's not a genetic thing, and he's been 100% cancer free since his surgery so he's going to be fine... Wth lady...
MsGMChick-You my dear rock for doing this!!!!
Update: I have my betas on Moday, which is the day after my 35th birthday.
I have honered hubbs request not to poas, and just wait til Monday. He did not want a replay of last cycle when I tested, and then was miserable for days before Beta. I am actually really glad I am not poas. I had cramps and tiny tiny brown streaking in with my crione gel for a good part of Moday morning, then nothing all week.
Today I started cramping and I feel so bloated. FX for Monday. I have been fighting allergies or a cold all week.
I think I pretty much got all the advice that is crazy, relax, get drunk it will happen, adopt then it will happen. Now the new thing is oh after you have a kid through IVF, you will ahve one naturally right after. People mean well I guess.
TTC Since Aug 2011/
ME:34 all clear/DH:41 DX Severe MFI/
IVF w/ICSI OCT 2012 Stims started 10/8/ER 10/19/12/ET 10/24/Beta#1 11/2=BFN (beta was 1.2)
IVF 2.0-Baseline 11/7/12 beta 0/All Clear
Stim start 11/7/12//ER 11/19 11M//10F
ET 2 embies 11/24//Beta#1 28 Beta #2 23 Beta#3 29
stop meds Beta#4 37/C/P 5W5D EDD:8/12/13/IVF#3 in Jan
Ivf 3-frozen 3 poor 3day/fet=bfn
My Chart//>
TTC Since Aug 2011/
ME:34 all clear/DH:41 DX Severe MFI/
IVF w/ICSI OCT 2012 Stims started 10/8/ER 10/19/12/ET 10/24/Beta#1 11/2=BFN (beta was 1.2)
IVF 2.0-Baseline 11/7/12 beta 0/All Clear
Stim start 11/7/12//ER 11/19 11M//10F
ET 2 embies 11/24//Beta#1 28 Beta #2 23 Beta#3 29
stop meds Beta#4 37/C/P 5W5D EDD:8/12/13/IVF#3 in Jan
Ivf 3-frozen 3 poor 3day/fet=bfn
My Chart//>
TTC Since Aug 2011/
ME:34 all clear/DH:41 DX Severe MFI/
IVF w/ICSI OCT 2012 Stims started 10/8/ER 10/19/12/ET 10/24/Beta#1 11/2=BFN (beta was 1.2)
IVF 2.0-Baseline 11/7/12 beta 0/All Clear
Stim start 11/7/12//ER 11/19 11M//10F
ET 2 embies 11/24//Beta#1 28 Beta #2 23 Beta#3 29
stop meds Beta#4 37/C/P 5W5D EDD:8/12/13/IVF#3 in Jan
Ivf 3-frozen 3 poor 3day/fet=bfn
My Chart//>
I have EVERYTHING crossed for you lady!!!!! I can't believe beta is tom. I am so terrified of that call, my hubbs took off of work on Monday, they are great aren't they!!!! GL hun I will be rooting for ya!
TTC Since Aug 2011/
ME:34 all clear/DH:41 DX Severe MFI/
IVF w/ICSI OCT 2012 Stims started 10/8/ER 10/19/12/ET 10/24/Beta#1 11/2=BFN (beta was 1.2)
IVF 2.0-Baseline 11/7/12 beta 0/All Clear
Stim start 11/7/12//ER 11/19 11M//10F
ET 2 embies 11/24//Beta#1 28 Beta #2 23 Beta#3 29
stop meds Beta#4 37/C/P 5W5D EDD:8/12/13/IVF#3 in Jan
Ivf 3-frozen 3 poor 3day/fet=bfn
My Chart//>
I am giving you the biggest hugs ever, I was so rooting for you, and I know the new year should be better than ever for hopefully everyone!!!!!!
Stay encouraged
TTC Since Aug 2011/
ME:34 all clear/DH:41 DX Severe MFI/
IVF w/ICSI OCT 2012 Stims started 10/8/ER 10/19/12/ET 10/24/Beta#1 11/2=BFN (beta was 1.2)
IVF 2.0-Baseline 11/7/12 beta 0/All Clear
Stim start 11/7/12//ER 11/19 11M//10F
ET 2 embies 11/24//Beta#1 28 Beta #2 23 Beta#3 29
stop meds Beta#4 37/C/P 5W5D EDD:8/12/13/IVF#3 in Jan
Ivf 3-frozen 3 poor 3day/fet=bfn
My Chart//>
Me 33 DH 36 Together 10 years, Married 5 years
TTC #1 since 8/2007 with MFI
November 2012 - IVF w/ ICSI #1; 11/28/12 - ER 12 eggs! 11 fertilized! 12/3/12 - ET - transferred 1 AA Blastocyst
Charlotte Hannah -born 8/13/13.
Had our first ultrasound at 6w2d today. We have one perfect baby and an empty sac. Too soon to tell if it is a vanishing twin or a hiding twin. Either way, I'm thrilled! :-)
QOTW: Worst "advice" was to stop trying. Because you know how having bad timing will somehow work out better ;-)
I made it as far as the retrieval & that is where it ended for me. My 1 fertilized egg wasn't string enough to transfer.
Good luck to everyone.