
Light cramping, spotting and very emotional

I am 7 days past my 3 days transfer. We only retrieved 2 eggs, both fertilized and both were transferred. Today I woke up and it technically should be my 1st day of my period. I started spotting (looks old) and my boobs no longer hurt. I was devastated thinking the worst. I've been super emotional too. Anyone experience the same? I just don't want to give up hope.
TTC since 2nd MC: 1st MC 6/2010: 2nd MC 3/2011: IUI #1 8/12/12: IUI #2 9/8/12: IVF #1 11/20/12- 2 embryos transferred 0 frosties BFN

Re: Light cramping, spotting and very emotional

  • I have the same thing but am 9 days after 3 day transfer. I started spotting light brown yesterday. My doctor and nurse made me come in this morning for blood work and everything looked good they said. But they told me it can really go either way. It sucks! I have to wait until first beta Thursday to really see. Good luck!
    Jenn IAmPregnant Ticker BabyFruit Ticker
  • Wow, I know the wait is just terrible.  Do anything you can to occupy your mind!!  ;)

    Married 2005 | DH & I are 33 | DH diagnosed with CAVD & I have PCOS

    IVF #1: February 2013
    ER 02/13: 15R, 12M, 10F
    ET 02/18: 5DT of 2 beautiful AA Blasts!
    (none to freeze)
    Beta Hell resulted in Chemical Pregnancy
    Taking a Mental/Physical Break (vitamins & weight loss!)

    IVF #2: July 2013
    ER 07/03: 12R, 8M, 6F
    ET 07/08: 5DT of 1 Early Blast & 1 BB Blast
    (none to freeze, again)
    HPT & Beta 07/17: BFN

    IVF #3: April 2014
    New RE (yay!)
    ER 04/07 37R, 35M, 26F
    Froze 5 Beautiful Blasts
    PGS shows 3 are "Normal"
    FET One 5AA Blast on 05/07
    HPT & Beta 05/20 - BFN 

    FET: August 2014
    Planned to transfer 2 embryos but only one made it.
    Transferred one beautiful blast that had started to hatch!
    BFP on FRER at 9dp5dt on 08/21
    Beta #1 08/22 - 185
    Beta #2 08/26 - 1123
    Beta #3 08/28 - 2697
    Ultrasound 09/05 - One beautiful bean with a heartbeat!

    Daisypath Anniversary tickers

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  • Good luck on thursday....mine if friday. This 2week wait is that hardest part!
    TTC since 2nd MC: 1st MC 6/2010: 2nd MC 3/2011: IUI #1 8/12/12: IUI #2 9/8/12: IVF #1 11/20/12- 2 embryos transferred 0 frosties BFN
  • 2ww is brutal. I read a lot of success stories online this morning of IVF patients who had same thing as us and continued to healthy delivery. So all we can do is stay positive. As hard as it is. GL on Friday. I'll check in with you!!! In the mean time I'll keep my FX for both of us!
    Jenn IAmPregnant Ticker BabyFruit Ticker
  • FX for both of you!!

    Image and video hosting by TinyPic
    Finished BC and not preventing since June 2010.
    Actively trying for baby #1 since July 2011.
    SA completed 5/29/2012. No sperm found.
    11/12: Dx: Congenital Bilateral Absense of the Vas Deferens.
    Genetic Testing needed as this is a mutation of Cystic Fibrosis.
    IVF #1 with ICSI planned for 2013.
    PAIF/SAIF welcome!
  • Hope you heard good news today. 
    TTC since 2nd MC: 1st MC 6/2010: 2nd MC 3/2011: IUI #1 8/12/12: IUI #2 9/8/12: IVF #1 11/20/12- 2 embryos transferred 0 frosties BFN
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