
Company is coming, Help!

I was hoping you ladies can help me.

My IL's are coming next weekend and I am wanting to make something different. I love to cook but always end up making Lasagna, Chicken Fry or Shrimp scampi.

Any recipe that you mind sharing?


“I’d marry again if I found a man who had $15 million and would sign over half of it to me before the marriage and guarantee he’d be dead in a year.” - Bette Davis

Re: Company is coming, Help!

  • Beef stew from The Science of Good Cooking. The book is like 10 on Kindle. It's what I make when I need to impress. When it says 4 pounds of meat, use 4 pounds. Everyone goes for seconds and there are rarely leftovers. Follow the directions and ingredients list, even the weird things like anchovies. I also get the frozen Sister Shubert rolls to go with this.
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  • I find that cooking a good steak with a couple of great sides (easy sides: baked potatoes with options for toppings, grilled veg, garlic bread, etc.) goes a long way with company.  And, it's pretty easy.

    People don't cook steak for themselves that often, IME.

    promised myself I'd retire when I turned gold, and yet here I am
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  • Stew is a great idea! Pair with some yummy bread and you've got a perfect light meal that should please everyone.

    Also, I read this in Lord Eddard Stark's voice (Game of Thrones) "Brace Yourselves...Company is Coming..." You totally need a Lord Stark meme for your event....

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