Natural Birth


It's been several months since I last posted here, I usually hang out on the Parenting board (which is super fun) but plan to pop on over here once in a while, so I thought I'd reintroduce myself. I'm a SAHM of two, I had both of them at a free standing birth center, my first labor was hard and I had some PTSD afterward. I was able to work through my feelings about my first birth and became pregnant with DD shortly after. I studied Hypnobabies throughout my pregnancy with DD which ended up being absolutely wonderful, my labor with her was quick and peaceful (about 4 hours long, pushed for 4 minutes). I will be going through the home Hypnobabies course again for this pregnancy and also plan to attend Birth Boot Camp at the strong encouragement of my midwife. We're team green this time around and are very excited to meet this little one!

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Re: Re-intro

  • Welcome!

    I posted on your last intro thread that I remember you from when we had our DDs.  We named them the same name actually :)

    I'm sorry to see that your DD has food allergies.  My oldest has anaphylactic allergies also.  At this point he is still allergic to dairy and peanuts.  At one point it was soy, dairy, peanuts, eggs, pineapple and tomato.  He has outgrown the others, so there is hope!  I pray your DD is one of the lucky ones who outgrows hers.

    I still remember your beautiful photos from the birth of your daughter.  

    I hope you have a healthy pregnancy.  

  • Hi adamwife, Thank you! I remember you too:). Yeah the food allergies are no fun, DD has anaphylactic allergies to bananas and sesame seeds of all things, she's still allergic to eggs, dairy, and peanuts too (although she can eat baked goods that have eggs in them), we're just creative with what we eat and it works out:).
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    Lilypie Second Birthday tickersLilypie Fourth Birthday tickers BabyFruit Ticker Siggy check.
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  • I just saw your birth video that you posted on Parenting.  Beautiful!  Congrats on your newest little bean.
    Lilypie - (vGZN)

    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
    BFP2: 10/27/13(edd 7/10/14) "Speck" ~ M/C 12/5/13
  • imageCheekers2010:
    I just saw your birth video that you posted on Parenting.  Beautiful!  Congrats on your newest little bean.

    Thank you!

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    Lilypie Second Birthday tickersLilypie Fourth Birthday tickers BabyFruit Ticker Siggy check.
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