Parenting after 35

Are you just "getting through" this stage of parenting?

This kind of spins off from a comment someone else said in another thread, and also about a comment my SIL made. She said you just need to get through the first 3 years, and then it gets better.

I love the baby/toddler stage. I'm not saying that there aren't plenty of days where I feel completely frustrated, and need a large glass of wine, but generallys peaking I love it.

It just got me curious if others are "getting through it" and what stage you're in? Babyhood/ toddlers/ pre-teens/teens?

Or do you love whatever stage you;re iin , 

Elizabeth 5yrs old Jane 3yrs old

Re: Are you just "getting through" this stage of parenting?

  • I'd say that there are definitely times when bedtime can't come soon enough.   The 3's have not been fun so far.   Some days it does feel like I am wishing time away, but then the good moments come and I am reminded why this time is so precious.  So, I guess I see both sides of this one.  
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  • DD is six months right now and it is a really fun age. Watching her taking everything in and learning so many new things is great. I definitely struggled to get through the first 5 months and ended up having severe PPD and anxiety, which is under control now thanks to meds and therapy.

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  • There is something to "get through" at every age/stage, I stopped wishing the thing that frustrated me most about that age would stop. For instance, PTing, freaking hate that part, but I will not really say I'll be happy to be past that. On anything really. Stever's post the other day really clarified that for me. Because remembering DS little is harder now, and that actually makes me cry. Not because I don't want him or the girls to grow up, just that once they're past that stage, it's done and you're done with those moments. Like Cat Steven's "Cats in the Cradle" song. Don't wish your life away. I remind myself that especially when I'm cleaning sharpie marker off the wall or someone's shrieking at the top of their lungs.

    We're 2 through to 15 here.

  • Heck no!  I have never, ever "wished" my son into the next stage.  I have loved every, single, exhausting, soggy, messy, whining moment.  Not to say that I don't get frustrated or hand the little dude off to daddy sometimes out of frustration but, no!, I'm not hurrying him up at all.  It's going too fast as it is.

    In fact, I grieved a bit as his 1st birthday approached.  To lose a baby and gain a toddler was a mixed bag of emotions for me.  

    Maybe this is because I had to wait so long for him or because I'm an "older" mommy with a bit more perspective or, maybe, it's just me but either way, I love every single stage. 

    ~Married 11/08~
    ~TTC since 01/09~
    ~SA & B/W - 06/09 - Normal~
    ~Encouraged by OB to "just keep trying" 06/09 - 06/10 (oh, the wasted time)~
    ~HSG - 08/10 - Clear/Normal~
    ~Lapo - 01/11 - Normal~
    ~Clomid 50mg, Trigger shot, Prometrium - 01/11, 02/11, 03/11~
    ~BFN - 02/11~
    ~IUI #1 03/15/11~
    BFP 3/28/2011
    Diagnosed with GD at 28 weeks. Controlled through diet and exercise. No insulin.
    Diagnosed with Cholestasis of pregnancy @ 36 weeks.
    Delivered via C-section @ 36 weeks on 11/9/11.

    TTC#2 for a few months naturally (ha!)
    ~IUI#1, Clomid, Trigger,  10/13 - BFN
    ~IUI#2, Femera, Ovidrel, 11/13


  • I definitely have days when I feel like I just have to get through, but I guess that's when the quote 'the days are long but the years are short' seems apt. My super sweet toddler has become a challenge and my NB has started teething so many of our days are verrrryyy long, but I wouldn't trade these days for anything.
  • Nope... As frustrated as I may get sometimes... or PMS-y.... I wouldn't miss a second of the fun with C at this age.  It cracks me up daily just to play with him and listen to him pretend, make up stories, talk to his trains and toys, etc.



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  • EVERY stage has it's challenges.  I don't think it's something to "get through" however.

    I mean my 7-year-old nephew has ATTITUDE.  And my 9-year-old nephew is so whiny.  I mean he whiiiiiiiiiines when he doesn't like a dinner choice. "I don't wannnnnnnt that!!!"

    Overall, I'm liking 3.  OK he refuses to use the potty and will be a late PT kid (closer to 4, I guess) and he is super sensitive at times. But he is a FUN kid to be around.


    Bronx Zoo: Summer 2013


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  • My mom and were just discussing this, as to what shift of work that DH should pursue.  I said 1st or 3rd, as he would miss time in the evenings with the kids.  And although certain days are really tough, these ages are times we don't want to miss.  
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  • Having an 18 year old and a 9 month old I can tell you honestly that I love every stage.  Even when they are pushing their limits they are so much fun. And each age/stage brings something different and fun.
  • for me personally, i've absolutely loved every single stage. sure there are not so enjoyable moments but not really days (again- for me) of misery. i've been enamored with all of it- from birth till now. and honestly, i've sworn "this is my favorite stage" every single time. :) but this time- this 2 to 3 where we can fully communicate? has *really* been my favorite. ;)

    in short, hell no i'm not just getting through. i'm living each day to its fullest with her and have never been more happy.

    click the pic (blog)
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  • Loving our current stage - C will be 15 months next week.  I have actually loved everything so far... except the sleep deprivation. 

    The only part I am trying to "get through" right now is the nights teething wakes him up and he's all whiny and drooly and uncomfortable.  One molar just came through and the other 3 are all starting to break through the surface now.  His last front tooth just poked through in the last 2 weeks along with the movement of all 4 molars.  After this we just have the 4 eye teeth and I hope the come in real soon and quickly.  C has been awesome with teething and just gets a little whiny and clingy.  Complete opposite of the awful things I had heard about teething.  But it still sucks because I know he is not sleeping well and that makes me not sleep well.

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  • imagesuperaunt:

    for me personally, i've absolutely loved every single stage. sure there are not so enjoyable moments but not really days (again- for me) of misery. i've been enamored with all of it- from birth till now. and honestly, i've sworn "this is my favorite stage" every single time. :) but this time- this 2 to 3 where we can fully communicate? has *really* been my favorite. ;)

    in short, hell no i'm not just getting through. i'm living each day to its fullest with her and have never been more happy.

  • I have twins so I definitely just got through the first year and maybe even the first 2, it was really hard for me, I lost my dad when they were 8 weeks old, we have never lived near family & have had very little help in that way (unpaid anyway), plus unfortunately they were not those 'easy babies' that I have heard other people have ;).

    Now at 3 I have my days for sure but the enjoyable & special parts are much better for me than those baby days (part of it is probably that I'm just not really a baby person, never have been, I have always enjoyed toddlers & school aged kids more).  There are days of seemingly endless double screaming whining clinging & crying that I just want to get through and sit down w/ a glass of wine at the end but the fun days can be so fun & I try to focus on cherishing them & I am finally at a point where I can say- it is going to blow by so quickly, I need to enjoy it because soon they won't want to hang out with me at all!


  • I anticipated the first 3 years to be tough.  Now, it might have been a self-fulfilling prophecy but man, did things ever start to get easier when DS2 turned 3.  Everyone was potty trained, everyone slept through the night.  We did more fun stuff together as a family (we spend days at the ski hill last winter, something I hadn't done since I was a kid practically).

    I enjoyed my newborns, my toddlers, my preschoolers.  But I am having more fun now.  The kids are more fun.  I am more rested, more relaxed.  I have to admit it is 'better'.

    promised myself I'd retire when I turned gold, and yet here I am
  • I love every stage. I do not wish DS drows up quickly. Of course there are moments I wish DS was past the curent stage, but there are way more moments that I am enjoying in this stage. I am truly enjoying my little guy right now. I remember, however, feeling the same way when he was younger. And if I had a way now of bringing back time from 6 months ago, I wouldn't!
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  • I adore my little boy and am find his 18 month antics delightful most of the time, but there are times when I look forward to him being older, when we can really go out and do things like travel, and he'll be in school learning and making friends, and pursuing his own interests and hobbies, etc.

    Mostly, though, I'm looking forward to being able to actually talk and communicate with him!  I want to know what he's thinking, feeling, etc.

    But then ... maybe when we're finally at that stage I might miss these baby/toddler days, lol!

    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • imageanchiba:

    I adore my little boy and am find his 18 month antics delightful most of the time, but there are times when I look forward to him being older, when we can really go out and do things like travel, and he'll be in school learning and making friends, and pursuing his own interests and hobbies, etc.

    Mostly, though, I'm looking forward to being able to actually talk and communicate with him!  I want to know what he's thinking, feeling, etc.

    But then ... maybe when we're finally at that stage I might miss these baby/toddler days, lol!

    Talking is awesome, I have to say. I don't think there is anything wrong w/ looking forward to that!

  • 35 year old FTM to a 6 month old... and no, not just getting through.  Rather, I'm relishing every second.  I don't know if it's age and perspective, as someone else said, or what, but I know there will come a day when my heart will ache with the memories of my beautiful baby, and no way do I want those memories to be of me wishing she was older and anything other than what she is. 
  • imageCheezeFace:

    Heck no!  I have never, ever "wished" my son into the next stage.  I have loved every, single, exhausting, soggy, messy, whining moment.  Not to say that I don't get frustrated or hand the little dude off to daddy sometimes out of frustration but, no!, I'm not hurrying him up at all.  It's going too fast as it is.

    In fact, I grieved a bit as his 1st birthday approached.  To lose a baby and gain a toddler was a mixed bag of emotions for me.  

    Maybe this is because I had to wait so long for him or because I'm an "older" mommy with a bit more perspective or, maybe, it's just me but either way, I love every single stage. 

    This is exactly how I feel.  I even teared up just reading it. I certainly don't want to hold G back but I feel so sad as he gets older, too.  At the same time I look forward to the next stage because I know it will have its own joys.

    Lilypie - (vGZN)

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    BFP2: 10/27/13(edd 7/10/14) "Speck" ~ M/C 12/5/13
  • Can I just say, not at this moment.  I am loving the 2's right now.

    Perhaps I just got through the first 5 months - I was still in shell shock over having an unplanned baby after 18 years of marriage and 7 years after my last.  . . and then having a strong bout of PPD.

    Then again I just got through 16-24 months when my child turned into a dangerous holy terror that would climb anything and yearned to escape to frolic unattended in water and on busy streets. And laughed when she heard the word no.

    At the moment I am really enjoying the reprieve that will hopefully last until at least 3.  

    I don't hold very high hopes for age 3 if she follows her sister's footsteps.  3 was the only year I had to get through with my older girls. 

    Also, I am loving my 9 year old right now.  She is pure sweetness.  And I am really enjoying my 12 year old too.  She's growing up into a lovely young lady and is such a pleasure to spend time with. 

  • I hated the newborn stage and just "got through it."  When DD was 6 months old, she started crawling and cruising, and she slept 12-13 hours straight at night.  From that point on I have loved the stages she's gone through. 

    My favorite stage by far is now at 19 months.  DD has been walking for 9 months, repeats every word we say, and is learning so much, so quickly.  I'm just not a baby person and actually dread the thought of having another baby.  I love toddlers though! 

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  • I truly disliked the newborn stage.  I'm not a fan of newborns and I didn't relish those months at all. 

    However, I have loved 6 months old and on.  DD started crawling and cruising at  6 months.  She was easy to take out from that point on, and she slept 12-13 hours straight at night from around 5 months (and still does).

    I have to say I LOVE the stage she's in now.  19  months olds, walking for the past 9 months, eats so well, explores, plays, socializes with other kids, and repeats every word we say.  I love it! 

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  • Mine are 4 months old. I found the first 2 months so hard!!!!!! But I have twins also. I could never relive that! I was a zombie. My husband and I agree we are too old- late 30's to do that again- we need sleep!
  • I was 35 and 37 when my girls were born - they are now 6 1/2 and 4 (21 months apart).  I can't say I ever felt like I was just getting through any stage but I can say that having 2 under 2 was not easy and I do feel like I was soo tired for the 1st year of DD#2's life.  I LOVE the stage my girls are in now - we can do so many things but I loved them as babies and toddlers as well.  Life is just different in each stage.  Neither of my girls 1st years of life were easy - DD#1 was born with a brain injury and while developmentally she is totally fine, she has ADHD and had a severe speech delay.  We spent more hours than I care to count at doctors and therapist visits.  She has a hard school life ahead of her as she still struggles but her speech is so much better now and she is exceling at math while struggling with reading.  We see her behavioral team every 4 months.  DD#2 had horrible reflux for 11 months.  So no, I can't say I loved the newborn (1st year) with either of my girls but I would not trade them for anything and I can look back and know what we got through.  Every stage has its challenges - my sisters have pre-teens and they struggle.  Everyone handles parenthood differently and I feel like I do a really good job - yes, I drink my wine to help me relax but I also work full time outside the house in addition to having my 2 girls and I'm about to turn 42.  I am blessed to have my amazing girls.
    Jenni Mom to DD#1 - 6-16-06 DD#2 - 3-13-08 
  • Uhhh, it does not get "better" at 3, if you mean less work and more sleep. I still haven't had a good night's rest since my son was born and I'm not sure when I will. In a way, it's harder bc you can't just run an errand with the baby in the infant seat. When you have a toddler, there's no restraining them and you have to be "on" ALL THE TIME. It gets even more fun when they stop napping :p
    Me: 44 DH: 42. DS born healthy at 40 weeks 8/24/09. TTC since then with no luck or ART. Surprise BFP 8/6/14... MMC @ 8 weeks 4 days... Miss you everyday sweet baby angel.
  • My LO is 2 and a half and NO I DON'T LIKE THIS STAGE.  He is defiant, uncooperative and just plain ole pain.  I just get thru day by day.  At the end of the day I say one more down.  I actually count down in afternoon, three more hours, two more hours, etc.  The terrible two's is hard, he won't mind, is destructive, you name it.  UGGGG.
  • I do love every stage that they are in as time goes by.  I do have to admit the baby stages are great before they walk and talk.   The ages between 2 and 5 are so cute but they are trying to see what they themselves can do and may not want your help even though they will cry for everything.  When they reach 6 through 9 you can go anywhere with them just have fun pick up and go.  I love it when they got old enough not to schedule a nap and just get up and go.   I am now looking forward to my 3rd child and its back to the drawing board again.   
  • I'm appreciative of every stage. There are some stages that were more challenging than others, though, such as nursing through the night, teething, and the whining/tantrums. Even during those stages, there was plenty of good, like nursing during the day (once I got the hang of it), watching him sleep, having him stand for the first time, watching him slobber, his first words, outgrowing the inftant tub, falling asleep on me, etc. I am also very much enjoying the pre-kindergarten stage.

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