
December closures?

What is your experience with IVF cycles in December? Do most of the Embryology labs close down for a period of time? Wondering what the likelihood of getting to cycle in December is for most people. 
TTC since: July 2011 Dx: DIminished Ovarian Reserve AMH: 0.4 Me: 30 DH: 33 Medicated IUI Cycle #1 = BFN 9/3/12 Laparascopy/Hysteroscopy 9/13/12 Medicated IUI Cycle #2 = BFN 11/2/12 IVF Cancelled 11/7/12 due to low AFC IVF Cycle 12/2: ended 12/31 Chemical Pregnancy

Re: December closures?

  • I was at my RE's office today and they aren't scheduling any IUI's or IVF's after Dec 3rd.  
    Me: 29 DH: 32 Married: 10.25.07 Been dealing with amenorrheoa since I was young. (Literally go years w/o AF) Unexpected and very surprising BFP in Feb 2007. M/C April 2007. :( TTC since 2008 Metformin- Didn't help. :( Clomid 50mg/Provera cycle #1 7/2009 - BFN Clomid 50mg/Provera cycle #2- 8/2009- BFN Clomid 100mg/Provera cycle #3- 1/2010- BFN ...Took a break... 2012- Met with RE 09/12- Day 3 Labs- FSH 2.5, Estradiol 47, TSH 4.5 (Doc re-ordering Day 3 labs) DH sperm analysis- all good 11/12- Day 3 Labs- FSH 4.3, estradiol 38, TSH 2.51 Prescribed Synthroid 11/12- HSG all clear 1/13- IUI with Femara and trigger shot on 1/31- BFN 2/13-IUI #2- cancelled due to low response 3/13- planning IUI with injectables
  • Every clinic is different mine takes off christmas week and the week before. So they will do appt till dec 16 then they start up Jan 3

    Trying to Conceive since Aug 2011
    Diagnosed with severe male factor IF we got no swimmers
    First dIUI Dec 7 2012 = BFN
    Second dIUI Jan 9 2013 = BFN
    Third dIUI with clomid 50mg Feb 5 2013
    Forth dIUI with clomid 100mg dIUI Early March
    Here is to a New Year!
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  • I do not think mine closes - hope not because I just started my Lupron shots! 

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  • My practice has two labs 2 hours away from each other. One closes the last 2 weeks of December an the other closes the first two weeks of January.
    Dx PCOS 2006 - on Metformin
    Dx Hypothyroid 2009 - on Synthroid
    TTC since 12/2009
    DH - Low Sperm Count

    IVF with ICSI Cycle #1 - October/November- 10/11 Begin Lupron, 10/20 Begin 300iu Gonal-F, Trigger 10/31, ER 11/2, 12 retrieved, 11 mature, 6 fertilized, ET 11/5 - 2 Grade 1 8 cells, 2 frozen blasts (5BA, 3BB), Beta #1 @ 8dp3dt: 7, Beta #2 @ 11dp3dt: 2 :(

    IVF with ICSI Cycle #2 - January - 12/30 Begin Lupron, 1/8 Begin 300iu Gonal-F, ER 1/20, 13 retrieved, 11 mature, 6 fertilized, ET 1/25 - 2 blasts (grades 4BA, 1)

    Everyone Welcome

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  • imagelaurag1986:
    Every clinic is different mine takes off christmas week and the week before. So they will do appt till dec 16 then they start up Jan 3

    This. When my clinic cancelled my cycle 2 weeks ago my nurse said they wouldn't be able to get me back in until January because they are closed for a 2 week break in December.

    Infertility blog

    Trying for a baby since 4/10

    DX: Infertile 6/11 Me: LPD, all other blood work clear.
    DH: low sperm motility,low count.
    Met with RE start clomid + TI + IUI 5/12= IUI cancelled due to positive Cystic Fibrosis carrier test. DH tested Neg. for Cystic Fibrosis,

    6/12 Clomid + TI +IUI=BFN 8/10 IVF consult.
    IVF #1 Started BCP 9/2 Lupron 10/11 stims 10/27 ER 11/6!! 5 eggs retreived only 1 mature. FERT report shows none made it.Cancelled cycle.

    IVF #2 BCP 11/18 Lupron 12/14

    Stims start 12/29 ER 1/8 ET 1/11 put in 1 grade B and 1 grade C. Beta: 1/20 = BFN

    IVF# 3 7/13 BFP ended in chemical pregnancy

    9/15 diagnosed with PCOS and insulin resistance gearing up for IVF# 4 Dec/ Jan

    Everyone Welcome!
  • I was just able to squeeze in before my clinic closes, est ER and ET is the week of the 10th. 

    The closures aren't necessarily because of the holidays, although some might be, but in my clinics case they have to shut down to re-calibrate everything in the embryology lab, among other maitenence duties. I was told it was a mandate(from where, IDK) and that they have to do it twice a year. It seems to me that the holidays make for a good time to do it.  

    Me: 37, DH: 35 :: TCC since 2/11 SA: Perfect! CD3  HSG = Blocked Right Tube
    April- Femara 2.5mg + Trigger + IUI = BFN   May- Femara 5mg = CX - No Response on Left = BFN
    June- Femara 7.5mg + Trigger + IUI = BFN  August- Lap & Hysteroscopy = Blocked & Partially Blocked Tubes
    September- Femara 5mg = CX - No Response on Left = BFN  October- 100mg Clomid + Trigger + TI = BFN
    IVF # 1: Stims 11/30 ER 12/12/12! (10R, 10M, 8F, 2T, 6 F) :: Beta #1- 176  c/p @ 4w4d
    FET #1 February 26th :: Lost 4 to Thaw, Transferred 2 = BFFN
    IVF # 2 Stims 5/10 ER 5/21 (15R, 13M, 13F, 2T, 7F- 6d3 & 1d5) :: Beta # 1- 15 c/p @ 4w
    FET #2 Cancelled, Right Tube Developed a Hydro  8/28 Hydro & Scar Tissue Removed  Cleared for FET
    FET #2.2 Scheduled for September 20th
    2 Thawed, 2 Transferred! Beta #1- 96, Beta #2 906! :: EDD June 10th
    2015- 2 failed FET. We are done
    SURPRISE! BFP 8/8/16   EDD 4/1/17

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    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    Pregnancy Ticker
  • My RE's office does not close for the holidays but the PGD lab that is doing our PGD testing closes Dec 19 to after the new year.

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    TTC#1 since 4/11 : m/c in 9/11 & 11/11
    DH dx with Balanced Translocation 5/12 
    Did 3 IVFs - 10/12, 1/13 & 4/13 before
    1 embryo passed PGD and transferred - BFP
    Our beautiful baby girl has arrived!
    S/PAIF Welcome

  • Mine isn't closing at all, which I was surprised about but I think they just take the tact that if they aren't traveling they are available.  My ER/ET will be the week of 12/10 with beta right around Christmas.
    Me: 43 DH: 39 - AMA, DOR
    Mommy to Sami (IVF), Born 8.30.13
    Surprise non-assisted BFP - 12.29.2014, Beta 1 = 322, Beta 2 = 760
    EDD 9.7.2015

     BabyFruit Ticker 

  • imagetwistsandturnsto2:
    I was just able to squeeze in before my clinic closes, est ER and ET is the week of the 10th.nbsp;The closures aren't necessarily because of the holidays, although some might be, but in my clinics case they have to shut down to recalibrate everything in the embryology lab, among other maitenence duties. I was told it was a mandatefrom where, IDK and that they have to do it twice a year. It seems to me that the holidays make for a good time to do it.nbsp;nbsp;

    My clinic does this too.
  • I don't know the exact dates, but mine closes for 2 weeks around the end of December.  The clinic is still generally open (can do u/s, b/w, etc.), but anything that requires the lab gets delayed.  
    TTC #1 7/10, Me (31)- Dx DOR (AMH 0.6); DH (30)- normal
    BFP on Cycle #8. Natural M/C at ~8 weeks
    IUI #1 and #2 (8/12, 9/12)- 50 mg Clomid + Ovidrel = BFNs
    IVF #1 (EPP) 13R/10M/9F, 5DT 1-4AA blast, beta #1-148, beta #2-322, 5 frosties! 
     image  image  
  • My old RE 's office took two weeks off but still did cycles during Dec. I had an ET mid Dec and my beta was on the 27th.

    Depends on the office.
    Pursing Domestic Infant Adoption through a local agency. In the meantime, our dog is our baby.  Bumping from Portland, Oregon. 
  • Wow, I guess we are lucky! My RE's office doesn't close, nor does the lab that is doing our PGD.  
    Natural m/c Oct. 2005

    Dx: balanced translocation and LPD

    TTC since Oct 2011

    BPF 02/19/12, EDD 10/31/12, natural m/c 02/28/12 (4w6d)

    IVF (BCPs starting 10/30/12, ER 11/18/12, 5dt of 1 beautiful, healthy embryo 11/23/12)
    BFP 12/02/12, u/s @ 6w,5d showed 2 HBs! Identical twins!!
    Bed rest from 21w-35w due to short cervix, hospital bed rest from 23w-32w due to PTL
    Our rainbows were born 07/19/13 (36w, 5d)

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I really think it's different for everyone.  My first clinic stayed open to cycle but this one does not.
    TTC #1 Since May 2011 ~ Everyone Welcome
    Me (34): DOR d/t chemo/radiation, Immature Endometrial Lining, Hypothyroidism
    DH (35): MFI d/t testicular torsion and removal, Low T, Oligospermia, Anti-Sperm Antibodies, Currently on T supplements
    Sept '11-April '13 ~  Testing, failed multiple MFI treatments, saving & TONS of praying
    January 2014 ~ IVF/ICSI & PGS ~ no response to stims ~ converted to IUI ~ BFN
    February 2014 ~ On to donor embyros ~ 5 blasts!!! 
    March 2014 ~ FET #1 ~ Transferred 2 blasts ~ BFN
    July 2014 ~ Kliman's mock cycle with endometrial function test
    Sample too small for EFT, HE slide showed immature cells
    New protocol planned, saving for another biopsy for EFT
    January 2015 ~ Considering adoption options
    April 2015 ~ Privately arranged adoption of planned pregnancy
    DD#1 ~ Lillyana Violet Marie born 6/15/16, Finalized adoption 12/20/16
    July 13, 2018 ~ BFP....WTF?!?!
    7/16 Beta #1 ~ 466...7/18 Beta #2 ~ 1,077...7/23 Beta #3 ~ 5,291
    7/23 US #1 ~ 1 gestational sac seen and yolk sac
    7/30 US #2 and 1st OB appt ~ 1 perfectly round gestational sac, 1 perfect yolk sac and 1 teeny tiny heart beat seen!!!
    Lilypie Maternity tickers

  • Thanks for all of the responses. Talked to my RE's office today. They are open thrpughout, but sounds like the embryology lab closes down during the holidays for "cleaning/maintenance".  I am so bummed:( When I first started working with my RE she said we could count on being pregnant by the end of the year. Not going to happen and am really taking it hard!
    TTC since: July 2011 Dx: DIminished Ovarian Reserve AMH: 0.4 Me: 30 DH: 33 Medicated IUI Cycle #1 = BFN 9/3/12 Laparascopy/Hysteroscopy 9/13/12 Medicated IUI Cycle #2 = BFN 11/2/12 IVF Cancelled 11/7/12 due to low AFC IVF Cycle 12/2: ended 12/31 Chemical Pregnancy
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