

Hey there -- just wanted to let you know that you shouldn't beat yourself up about disinfecting stuff.  Abby might have thrush too - ugh!  The pedi yesterday thought it might be that, then thought it might have just been from sucking on her pacifier.

What was thrush like?  Did you have to take an antibiotic to treat it?  Did it make Sloane and Rowan uncomfortable? 

I'm terrible at popping one baby's bottle into the other's too and they trade binkies all the time.  I guess I need to get more careful with that stuff, esp now that winter is coming! 

Mom to Abigail & Liliana -- Identical Twin Girls -- April 2008
Baby #3 due September 12, 2014!

Pregnancy Ticker

Re: kyluvsaj

  • Luckily we caught it before it got too bad.  They had to go through two different types of antibiotics before it went away.  Plus I had to take some too since my nipples became infected (ouch).

    The medicine made the babies gag but other than that they didnt seem to mind!

    I think I will get their caretaker to help me out and make sure that type of stuff is getting done!

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