So my two year old has discovered "mine!" and has been shouting it at the top of his lungs from time to time. I am kind of at a loss for how to handle it, as he only usually does it when something actually is his. I know when he picks up something he shouldn't that is mine or his father's, I will say that something is mine, and I don't know of another way to express this and then expect him to not shout "mine!" with his own stuff. We have been saying that it isn't nice to shout it, because we can't figure out anything else to say - we just don't want playdates to turn into a "mine" shouting match (even though he actually shares pretty well). Any thoughts?
Re: "Mine!" advice?
DD- 9
c/p- April 2016
missed m/c- 6w5d; discovered 8w2d- September 2016
I have honestly don't have great advice, as we've had our ups and down's the the "MINE" phase. First I absolutely hate the "mine" phase. I did however learn from watching my BIL what not to do, as his DS was crazy "mine, mine, mine" because he honestly made the phase a game and when his DS would say it, my BIL would grab whatever it was and then say mine. So it was a back and forth game to my BIL and to his son, but then when something wasn't really his or he did have to share, man talk about melt down central.
SO having said that, I have done the ignoring DS when I would here him say mine, if we were just around the house. But when we are with friends or playdates, we talk about sharing or find something for both kids to have the whole, let your friend play with this and you play with this, then you can switch. When it comes to stuff that is mommy's or daddy's - primarily our stupid iPhones causes the biggest issues if he sees it, it's is now "Matthew's phone", I hate to say it, but we lie to him.. We tell him it's "out of juice" i.e. needs to charge. If it's other things that he either should play with or just random crap that we just don't want broken or ruined, we will him that they are special to Mommy or Daddy and for whatever reason he gets it. In DH's office he has all this sports memorabilia, so it's like DS's Toys r Us. But only after a few times of him hearing that's Daddy's special ball, helmet whatever he quit the mine. Granted it didn't go without a few meltdowns
Guess he just gave up and figured he would find something else that was "mine" 
Good luck! Again, not the greatest advice what so ever but it what's working for us for the time being.
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