A friend posted on fb, I am just sad for all the babies that will lose their lives in the next four years under this administration. Um, am I wrong that Romney would not have been able to go in and make them illegal? I mean GWB was in office for 8 years and they were legal. What am I missing.
James Sawyer 12.3.10
Leo Richard 9.20.12
Re: Abortions
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OP, you should definitely respond with a youtube clip of "How a Bill Becomes a Law."
"We like nothing better than buffing our Zygoma. And imagining a horny time traveling long overcoat purple scarf wearing super sleuth nordic legend fuck fantasy. Get to work on that, internet." Benedict Cumberbatch
<a href
Me too. I'm sure I'll need it sometime today.
Absolutely reply with this link! In short: guess what, abortions do not go down in countries where abortion is illegal. They stay about the same. However, deaths of women DO go up. You know what brings abortion rates down? Comprehensive sex ed, freely available birth control, social systems that support mothers and mothers-to-be, and affordable health care. ALL THINGS that the supposed 'pro life' movement is VEHEMENTLY AGAINST.
Not everyone believes that. Many people believe life begins at conception. Others believe life begins when the heart starts beating. Others believe it's at viability (when the baby could survive outside the womb).
It's a touchy thing, which is why abortion is such a hot issue.
This. I'm so tired of the prolife-until-birth mentality. If you're really in this to give children life and quality of life, why do you turn your backs on them once they exit the ute?
Burned by the Bear
LOL. Pro-life is not equal to being against sex ed/birth control/afforadble health care. That's as untrue as saying pro-choice is in favor of promiscuity.
Yes, but too many pro-life politicians and voters do equate those values. That's why you tend to have states with the most restrictive abortion laws also teach abstinence only sex-ed. I am pro-choice but I would vote for an anti-abortion politician who also aggressively advocated comprehensive sex-education and birth control availability. But aside from some anti-abortion Dems in the Senate (Harry Reid, Bob Casey) there aren't that many in existence.
Well, I don't know how Romney or Obama play any part in abortion rates at this point given what everybody has already stated, but I agree to an extent. Preventing wanted pregnancies with education is key to avoid abortions (nobody is pro-abortions, so I guess we can all agree)
Your friends post is stupid, IMO.
But I also find it interesting that so many people were anti mitt because "my uterous" but now it's "he couldn't have made them illegal anyway"
Winner winner chicken dinner.
Unable to even.
You don't understand the appeal of Benedict Cumberbatch / think he's fug / don't know who he is? WATCH SHERLOCK. Until you do, your negative opinion of him will not be taken seriously.
Mitt himself couldn't have made them illegal.
He could've appointed people who could've made it illegal.
Unable to even.
You don't understand the appeal of Benedict Cumberbatch / think he's fug / don't know who he is? WATCH SHERLOCK. Until you do, your negative opinion of him will not be taken seriously.
My uterus wanted healthcare and birth control. Mitt Romney could have done something about that. Andalsoplus, as pps mentioned, the POTUS appoints SCOTUS. That has a lot to do with it.
Burned by the Bear
*I meant unwanted. I'm a dummie.
Also, along with sex ed, I think kids need to be taught that sex is not love, that they don't owe anybody sex, that they are not sexual objects, that sex has emotional repercussions and that they need to be absolutely ready in all aspects before they engage in it. All this should be promoted in schools.
Each parent should teach their kids what is to be "ready". I will teach my kids that ready means being in a loving, steady relationship that evolves to marriage and that sex is better postponed after it. I don't expect that to be taught in schools, though.
I don't agree with telling kids to wait until marriage to have sex.
Not everyone wants to get married.
I agree with telling them to wait until they're in a steady relationship, though.
At the base of it we need to teach kids how to have sex safely, including how to use condoms, how the female body works in terms of conception, and the various other birth control methods available, upto and including abortion. We need to teach boys that forcing girls is unacceptable, in any circumstance. We need to teach girls to be aware of their surroundings at all times, especially when they've been drinking.
That last part is not meant to be "slut shaming" or telling girls it's their fault they're assulted. It's common sense.
Unable to even.
You don't understand the appeal of Benedict Cumberbatch / think he's fug / don't know who he is? WATCH SHERLOCK. Until you do, your negative opinion of him will not be taken seriously.
I realize plenty of other people will feel the same way. That's why I said the definition of ready is up to the parents to teach.
Ditto this. I often practice the conversation I will have with Caroline about sex. It's something like this - I won't tell you to wait until you are married because your father and I certainly didn't, but please wait until you are old enough to handle the emotional and physical risks that go along with sex.
That being said, if she tells me she thinks she is ready I will take her to get birth control and we will have a very frank conversation about how babies are made. I will also be having a conversation with the boy she is having sex with, and his parents, letting them know that if she were to get pregnant that how she handles that pregnancy is her decision and if she/they decide to parent that he is going to be there financially until that child is 18 and if that means going after his parents for money until he is at a point where he can offer adequate support so be it.
I waited until I was 20 because I wanted to go to college and I knew if I got pregnant in high school my life was over and I wouldn't get to live how I wanted to. That and I knew that my parents would be so very disappointed and I didn't want to have that conversation with them.
This. Completely, this.
Some people who are against abortion are also for comprehensive sex ed, birth control, and affordable health care (and support for single moms/destitute families). But the pro-life movement in general? The Catholic Church, Evangelical Christians, Right to Life, Concerned Women For America, the Republican party? Overwhelmingly are all also against the above measures that would actually reduce abortions. As referenced in the article mentioned, which is a very, very good thing to read.
Yes yes yes.
Kids should be taught that there are reasons for saying yes. And that there are reasons for saying no. And that it is okay to say yes WHEN YOU ARE READY and that it is okay to say no when you are NOT ready and that it is okay to not be ready. That pressuring people, regardless of gender, is NEVER OKAY.
And here's a big one.
That you can say YES to some things and NO to others. I got so, so mad back in the day when the Surgeon General tried to put forth telling kids that it was okay to touch yourself, and that outercourse was a legitimate and okay thing to do instead of intercourse, and people were all up in arms over it. Teens should know that desire is healthy and libido is natural, and that there are ways to deal with their desire and libido without doing anything dangerous or hurtful.
She is just as dumb as the people who posted "DON'T VOTE FOR ROMNEY UNLESS YOU WANT ROE V. WADE OVERTURNED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Actually she is dumber, because when abortions and birth control are harder to get, abortions are actually more common.
I agree! I am so glad my mother took the time while I was a teen to educate me regarding sexual activity. Sure, school had sex ed, but so many of us were so embarassed to sit through it, there wasn't much paying attention. My mother was a teen parent and ended up having 3 kids by the time she was 25. I vowed to not follow in her footsteps, so I took what she said about sex to heart. I received my education and took time out before having a child. Thanks to my mom, I wasn't ashamed to step into the doors of our local Planned Parenthood to ensure my ute was healthy and that it was baby-free until the appropriate time.
Obamacare mandates that health insurance covers birth control and the federal government influences sex education curriculums thru funding eg under Bush funding was limited to abstinenceonly. Also Romney threatened to defund Planned Parenthood which provides low cost gyn access and education. So I would say the president does have an impact.