Do you sort? Am I the only one who has enough red, pink, and orange clothes to have them be their own load once a week?? I can't imagine just throwing them in with everything else.
I do whites (mostly undershirts, socks, and underwear), lights, darks (though I usually divide this up into jeans and other darks), reds, towels, and sheets. And I use the shout color catch sheets.
Am I the only one?
Re: S/O Laundry
I do our red/orange separately, too....sometimes with purple thrown in there. I don't do the load every week, but probably every 2. I don't know if I need to or not, but better safe than sorry.
I also usually separate darks into blue, and then black/brown....just because we seem to have SO many blue clothes that they can be their own load every week. I include jeans in it.
My white loads are sometimes all whites, or sometimes a mix of white/very light. I never bleach anything because I don't really understand when to use and when to not use bleach lol.
DD (5 years old) from IUI in 2012
TTC 3rd and final!: IUI #1 in progress!
i do lights (includes whites) darks (reds and oranges there) jeans, towels, linens
I usually stay on top of the laundry so it would take over a week for me to be able to do a full load if I seperated it out by reds/oranges and darks, and whites from lights. I couldnt stand the thought of not doing laundry for a week (but hey it might be nice) lol
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This is exactly what I do. I'm glad that I'm not the only one! I just wonder if I am doing too much work?
DS2 - Oct 2010 (my VBAC baby!)