This week I started getting really bad pain on my right rib cage, right under my boob. At first it was just numb feeling but now it burns, hurts and feels like something is there. Can it be one of the babies? I'm 20 weeks today and had an ultrasound a few days ago. The transducer was all the way up on my rib cage but I wasn't sure if that's where they really are. All 3 were transverse.
Re: Triplets - rib cage pain
Dx DOR (AMH .49), Stage 3/4 Endo, Septate Uterus
After 2 years, numerous tests, abdonimal surgery, and 2 IVF cycles, we are so grateful to be expecting.
Transferred 2 "perfect" 8-cell embies 6/12. Beta 1 6/25: 472! Beta 2 6/27: 1055!
First u/s shows TRIPLETS! WHAT?!?! Both embies stuck and one split. OMG
Levi, Henry, and Amelia were born healthy at 34w3d.
This! Baby B gets himself right up there and it felt like my gall bladder pain but I've had my gall bladder out!
I am feeling the same thing and also thought it might be my gallbladder, but then I feel kicking/movement in the area so it must be one of the babies pushing on my ribs.
IUI#3 - Jan 6 IVF#1 -5/18 - stims start (225 gonal f, 75 menopur, 5 lupron) ER 5/29 - 14R, 11M, 7F. 6/1 - Transferred 2 8cell embryos (grade 1 and 2). 8dp3dt +HPT, Beta#1 - 92, Beta #2 - 174, Beta#3 - 614, Beta#4 - 2010. 6wk u/s - TWINS! Baby A 114bpm, Baby B 112 bpm
TX: IUI #1-4 = BFN + 1 c/p
IUI #5: Clomid 100mg + Bravelle + Trigger + B2B IUIs + 800mg Progesterone = BFP!
Beta #1 (14dpiui): 460 Beta #2 (16dpiui): 998 Beta #3 (23dpiui): 21,832 Beta #4 (29dpiui): 129,771