
Because I know you like rabbit & I know you like cheese

Kohl's has the Velveteen Rabbit book on sale for $5.  It looks like they also have the rabbit too, but they may have other stuffies. 

Re: Because I know you like rabbit & I know you like cheese

  • imageBostonKisses2:
    That story always makes me cry.  That's a great deal though - I'm going to check it out.
    Do check it out!  The books and the stuffed animals are pretty good quality!  Smile
  • Yes! They also have Wizard of Oz, The Night Before Christmas, William the Curious, and Aesop's Fables. I love Kohl's Cares, I usually pick up at least one book every time they change their merch.
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  • I love the Kohls cares books.  I always stock up when they get new ones in.

    And the velveteen rabbit always makes me cry. 

    AlternaTickers - Cool, free Web tickersAlternaTickers - Cool, free Web tickers
  • I want a Velveteen Rabbit! Not for the children, just me Stick out tongue 
  • imageMommaG123:

    I love the Kohls cares books.  I always stock up when they get new ones in.

    And the velveteen rabbit always makes me cry. 

    Same here, totally going to get it! Thanks!


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