So DD is nearly 16 months and I'm ready to wean. I've been ready since a year. All my efforts have been for nothing. I tried various sippies with milk cow's milk, soy, coconut. I stopped offering. She keeps losing her sht when she can't nurse. DH tried going in at night with a milk sippie. She cried so much worse.
She has a double ear infection, so I've been nursing her every time she wants to help with the pain until the antibiotics do their thing. She's been nursing so much at night that I started leaking again! At nearly 16 mo postpartum! Shoot me now! That is all.
Just said good bye Sept. 19th (MMC at 12 weeks)
Re: Weaning hell
I hear ya. DS is 23 months so he's getting into that awkward phase. He gets so panicked if milk is not available and I like the closeness, but he's going to be 2 very soon. Unfortunately, he doesn't accept any substitutes so weaning will be a nightmare.
The other day he wanted to switch boobs so he pointed at the other and said, "This one, please."
Haha! At least he's polite! : Too cute!
Well, milk isn't really the only substitute for breast milk. I really think it is more about the breast than the milk at this age from LO's point of view. So, there are a few things you can try.
DD doesn't drink much cow's milk, but she does like water with a splash of juice so that takes care of fluids. And she eats a lot of cheese and yogurt so that takes care of the calcium and protein she'd get from the cow's milk. And if I want her to drink the milk, I'll put a bit of Ovaltine powder in it. She'll usually, though not always, drink it that way. And of course she eats a wide variety of other foods (when she feels like it).
As for the closeness that she may be missing, you can try substituting there too. At night I am shortening the nursing sessions, but I add a cuddle and an extra song after. During the day we read a lot more books with her in my lap. Lots of snuggles.
We are down to mostly just 2 times a day now, though it varies a bit depending on how much we are out of the house.
ETA: DD is also sick and has been attached to my boob almost non stop the last two days. So far today she's hardly eaten anything. I hope both of our LOs are feeling better soon.
I wish we could do that. DH works and I don't, so I've been dealing with all fun. He tried once on the weekend and the screaming was so bad. She now cries Mama and my hormones are a mess and I give in.