Attachment Parenting

Early potty training - night time question

To those of you who have potty trained early (and possibly co-sleep and nurse at night): What do you do when LO asks to go potty at 3am?

My LO started pooping on the potty pretty early and now hardly ever goes in her diaper. She pees probably 50/50 in her diaper and on the potty. We always let it be her choice where she wants to go. She recently started waking up crying "Potty! Potty!" and at first I didn't let her go b/c I thought it was just another way to try to get up (she also cries for the light to be turned on, mama up, etc). Then I realized she was actually peeing in her diaper after I didn't let her up - ugh - felt like a jerk after that. So now I've been letting her get up but I'm worried it's turing into a game. She still nurses all night so of course she's going to pee all night. Getting up to go potty and then taking an hour to fall back asleep is... not what I want to be doing at 3am, but it just feels wrong to force her to go in her diaper. So what the heck do I do?? I'm really questioning the wisdom of introducing her to the potty before she was night weaned :/ 

 Oh and we have her go potty right before bed, but that doesn't seem to matter.  

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Re: Early potty training - night time question

  • My DD PT'd at 26 months and 3 weeks later was out of diapers at night as well. Occasionally she claims to need to go potty shortly after I put her down and I go up and give her a chance. Most of the time she doesn't go but once or twice she did pee even when I didn't think she would. I leave her room dark though and have her sit on her little potty in the dark. I tell her it is bedtime after. She still nurses before bed and usually once at night. If she wants to go potty I do nurse her after quickly (usually less than a minute) and she goes down happily. I really haven't had an issue with making a game out of it. I give her the benefit of the doubt when she tells me (since it isn't very often) but I don't really talk to her and keep it dark. She has never asked to go potty a second time. When she gets up to nurse I ask her if she needs to go potty and usually she doesn't.

    your LO is still in a diaper at night but I would probably just give her a chance to go pee. When DD just PT'd she would ask me to go pee at night when she was still in a diaper and would actually pee.  Your DD is still pretty young but I would just go for it if you don't mind it. If she is truly taking another hour to go back to sleep and she doesn't care if her diaper is wet I might rethink it. 

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  • We put a potty into my son's room at night. It was much less "fun" when he didn't get to go anywhere for nighttime potty breaks and so he just plain trained at night.
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