I want to get a couple new covers and want to try Applecheeks out but was curious as to how they fit. DD is tiny with skinny legs. Currently the thirsties and bumpkins are working well...
Also can I se the Applecheeks covers interchangeably with my other per folds and fitteds or do I always have to use theirs?
Re: Apple cheeks?
Applecheeks are actually an "envelope" pocket, not a cover. They have a pocket inside with the opening in the middle instead of the back. I have one and I LOVE it. It has two full rows of snamps so it's really easy to get a great fit.
I have used mine as a cover over prefolds but you can't really use it all day like other covers with only pul since the fabric inner gets stinky if the prefold is soaked. Also, It's a bit trim to be used over fitted.
I highly reccomend this diaper, even so!
DS born 8/2010 - preliminary stages of SN int'l adoption - fur mama to 2 shelter dogs; cloth diapering, babywearing, EBFing mama