Hi everyone! DD is 2 months old and we have used sposies since she was born. When I was pregnant with her I bought a couple of cheap CD from China off ebay. I think they are called pocket diapers (have a bunch of snaps). I tried them out yesterday just out of curiousity and CDing kind of seems like fun! I never thought I would have said that but I've been doing some research and found Alva babys.
Any reviews on the brand? Particularly the minky ones? They kind of seem too good to be true with all the cute patterns and $5.59 price tag.
If you use them which ones do you buy?
Also, have you tried the disposable liners? They have a roll of 100 for $4-5 and I think it would be a nice idea for me to try those out when I'm in public in case she has a poopy diaper.
Any insight would be appreciated. I know my post is kind of all over the place but I would like to try the Alva's out, just wondering if they last a long time and are a quality diaper. I can't imagine spending $24 on a diaper!
Re: Alva Babys: Good? Bad?
I bought a few random ones. I've got the spiderman and a giraffe minky. They're fine. The inserts that came with them are not great; add a 10 pack of the 4 layer bamboo/MF inserts if you order.
Liners don't work well with BF poo. Before you start solids (even if you FF, I hear), you can just put the poop straight in the washer. So you'd just put that diaper in the wet bag (which Alva also sells, and they do pail liners too now).
They are not the highest quality, but they should last for at least a year. Just like with clothes, paying more will get you more, but a cheap one also keeps your baby covered.
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