
Too much baby >_<

They're officially big enough now that I can feel it any time one of them wants to roll over from breech to transverse or transverse to vertex or any mixture thereof. They seem to wake up right around 4P and move about from there until 9 or 10 at night. Makes for distraction when I'm trying to finish up my work day, drive, cook, or go the hell to sleep. Makes me want to eat heavy carbohydrates in the afternoons and add coffee back to my diet in the mornings just to re-program them. lol
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*Spontaneous* OHSS diagnosed 08.06.2012
Right ovary removed 09.04.2012 via vertical laparotomy
Essure implant placed on remaining tube 06.13.2013; successful followup scan 09.30.2013

Re: Too much baby >_<

  • YIKES!  Sounds like that might hurt.  I knew when Baby A switched from breech to head down but he took a week to do it.....lot;s of movement but nothing as crazy as what yours sounds like.  

    Good Luck re-programming them ;)


    Toodaloos Robin
  • That's funny.  I remember the last time I felt one of my babies flip.  Baby A was head down from around 18 weeks, but at 20ish weeks we went for 2 appointments, one with my MFM and one with my OB.  At the MFM baby B was head up, and on the elevator on the way down to my OB's office I was SO uncomfortable and I could feel something crazy going on in there.  When I got on my OB's table 20 minutes later baby B was head down, and she never turned again.  Neither of them did.  I was kind of glad because that ish hurt!  Isn't it cool, though to feel them moving like that?  I miss it.  Sad
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  • Mmhmm, girl. I remember that! Thankfully, my boys are squished now and seemingly stuck vertex. 
    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
  • James is the worst about it... I'll just be sitting there getting invoices mailed out or whatnot, and it's like he just looks around with an evil little bastard grin because he knows I can't see him.... and then he puts his feet up and slowly starts pushing his way from transverse to breech... then, for good measure, he kicks Simon in the god damned head to wake him up so he starts flipping out. 
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    *Spontaneous* OHSS diagnosed 08.06.2012
    Right ovary removed 09.04.2012 via vertical laparotomy
    Essure implant placed on remaining tube 06.13.2013; successful followup scan 09.30.2013

  • I can't tell yet if they move positions and I can only feel kicks or punches.  Mine have been bunk bed transverse the entire pregnancy and my doc is starting to think they are content and going to stay that way.

    Our J kicks our S in the head too!  Its funny Sam is way more laid back and doesn't get real squirmy until Jacob kicks him.

    M & M
    06/12 - BFP!!!!
    Beta #1 15dpo - 256
    Beta #2 18dpo - 1097
    6wk U/S on 07/02 ~ TWINS!!!
    EDD 02/21/13
    09/10/12 Found out it's two Boys!!!! Sam and Jake
    Jacob and Samuel born 1/29/13 at 36 weeks. photo F489900B-BB44-4C44-ACD1-ABB73509E3B2-9032-000005E7AE7EF53E.jpg Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
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