I pumped 8x a day at the beginning and while I nursed each a little, it was hard to get them to latch and not freak out from being hungry when I was on my own with them. After about 6 weeks I was EP'ing. I had to supplement 1-2 bottles a day with formula.
I found that the Moterlove More Milk Plus Special Blend helped me produce more. I wish I would have started taking it from the beginning.
3 months. I had to supplement for the first 2 weeks while I built up my supply. I had to quit because I got mastitis 2 times, and the second time it turned into a breast abscess that required surgery to fix. If that hadn't happened I think we could have kept going but I won't lie, it was the hardest thing I've ever done- especially when they were newborns.
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For the first few weeks, I had to supplement 2-4oz a day until my supply caught up. One baby never breastfed, so I pumped around the clock and alternated breastfeeding and bottle feeding with the other baby. Around 8 months my period returned and my supply never recovered so I supplemented again until I moved them to regular milk around 13 months.
Almost made it three months. I didn't supplement until the very end. I had a very difficult time with it, the boys wanted to eat every 1.5-2 hours and nursed for at least 35-50 minutes at a time, so I was either attached to babies or sleeping. It was probably one the of the most difficult things I ever had to do, but I feel like it was worth it
Still going - no supplementing and I've pumped for occasional bottles only. But, my two were born at 38 weeks and I previously BF my oldest for ~30 months. Even so, BFing twins is one of the hardest thing I've ever done.
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I BF/pumped until DDs are almost 9 months old. I had supply issues from the start so they were always supplemented. Probably started at 50/50 breast milk/formula and probably wound up more around 10/90 split. I figured something was better than nothing!
2004-Started TTC; Nov 2007-Lap with endo removed; Jan 2008-Ectopic (mtx); April 2008-IVF #1 (bfp, twin girls); March 2011-FET (cp); June 2012-IVF #2 (bfp, singleton, EDD 3-19-12)
***Twin fraternal girls born at 35w6d in 12/2008***
They are a little over 3 months now and things are finally going well. It was a slow start because they were born at 35 weeks. We supplemented with formula for about 2 months, then I started fenugreek so now I used pumped bm for any bottles they need. The fenugreek made all the difference for me.
Somewhere during the second month things became easier and I felt that I could really enjoy breast feeding. It is a lot of work at the beginning, but worth it in the end!
My twins are 21 months and I still BF them. Only 2x a day now so it is no big deal and I have no plans to stop until they are ready... or it gets really weird. They were preemies, born at 34 weeks, and spent a few weeks in the NICU. Sean was the bigger baby and caught on to nursing quickly so after he came home from the NICU at 2 weeks. He didn't supplement with formula after he came home but did while he was in the NICU. Aaron took a lot longer to get off of all formula. He came home at 3 weeks and didn't latch well or suck well. So, had to supplement with him until he was about 2 months (not too long after his due date) and then he finally caught on. I pumped as much as I could, but with twins, I just couldn't figure out how to pump enough and keep my sanity. I was really determined to nurse. My older two boys were adopted as toddlers and I felt nursing them was the one thing I really missed out on. It was definitely crazy those first few months but really worth it. I just had to adjust my expectations since there were two of them.
I've been EPing for 7 months and counting. They occasionally get a formula bottle maybe once every few days so I can catch up. I'm averaging about 55oz a day.
I breastfed the twins for 17 months. We supplemented at least one bottle per day from the beginning because we had some weight gain issues with our boy. Then we made it a bedtime bottle after I nursed to top them off and give me a little break. I made it a week shy of 14 months with our singleton so I was definitely pleasantly surprised that I made it that long with two babies to feed.
Rainbow - Married - 5/31/03 Christian Alexander - 11/13/06 Amelia Rose & Owen Thomas - 3/29/11
Be The Match - and help save a life by signing up for the National Marrow Donor Program.
Re: How long have you breAstfed your twins?
15 weeks/3 months.
I pumped 8x a day at the beginning and while I nursed each a little, it was hard to get them to latch and not freak out from being hungry when I was on my own with them. After about 6 weeks I was EP'ing. I had to supplement 1-2 bottles a day with formula.
I found that the Moterlove More Milk Plus Special Blend helped me produce more. I wish I would have started taking it from the beginning.
Boy/girl twins born at 37w1d and 37w2d
For the first few weeks, I had to supplement 2-4oz a day until my supply caught up. One baby never breastfed, so I pumped around the clock and alternated breastfeeding and bottle feeding with the other baby. Around 8 months my period returned and my supply never recovered so I supplemented again until I moved them to regular milk around 13 months.
10.5 months of EP.
It was very hard work and worth every last second.
I only made 26 oz/ day so they got 50% breast milk and 50% formula.
I only wish I could have made it to one year. The boobs just dried up.
***Twin fraternal girls born at 35w6d in 12/2008***
14 months and counting
and ditto everyone that it was HARD WORK at the beginning. After about 3 or 4 months got easier, and now I love it.
Never had supply issues, I credit that partially to nursing on demand (ie all the time) for 6 months.
They are a little over 3 months now and things are finally going well. It was a slow start because they were born at 35 weeks. We supplemented with formula for about 2 months, then I started fenugreek so now I used pumped bm for any bottles they need. The fenugreek made all the difference for me.
Somewhere during the second month things became easier and I felt that I could really enjoy breast feeding. It is a lot of work at the beginning, but worth it in the end!
My twins are 21 months and I still BF them. Only 2x a day now so it is no big deal and I have no plans to stop until they are ready... or it gets really weird. They were preemies, born at 34 weeks, and spent a few weeks in the NICU. Sean was the bigger baby and caught on to nursing quickly so after he came home from the NICU at 2 weeks. He didn't supplement with formula after he came home but did while he was in the NICU. Aaron took a lot longer to get off of all formula. He came home at 3 weeks and didn't latch well or suck well. So, had to supplement with him until he was about 2 months (not too long after his due date) and then he finally caught on. I pumped as much as I could, but with twins, I just couldn't figure out how to pump enough and keep my sanity. I was really determined to nurse. My older two boys were adopted as toddlers and I felt nursing them was the one thing I really missed out on. It was definitely crazy those first few months but really worth it. I just had to adjust my expectations since there were two of them.
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Christian Alexander - 11/13/06
Amelia Rose & Owen Thomas - 3/29/11