I posted last week or maybe earlier this week about my FB CD stash repelling. No issues for 7-8 mths and the last few months repelling issues.
I broke down and order 12 Kawaii diapers today cause I don't want to buy anymore sposies. Wednesday night I scrubed the shells with dawn and a nail brush and let them soak in hot water all night and all day while I was at work. I ran them through a hot cycle wash with no soap or anything. Let them air dry and still repelling.
I can't figure it out and I'm feel like I'm going nuts. Could it be build up from the Grandma Els? Could it be oils from the hemp inserts (I did prep them as the instructions read)?
I wish the CD Gods would shine down on me and give me some of my stash back.
24 diapers... all repelling!
Re: Repelling & Frustration
Natural Birth Board FAQs
Cloth Diaper Review Sheet
Yes, I got a stern lashing from my Monthly board ladies. I ordered some RLR and will give that a go when it arrives. I've also made plans to try 6 hot wash cycles and 6 extra cold rinse cycles to make sure all the suds are out.
These are going to be some very clean diapers!