I have been waiting to reach the 12 week mark before posting and today is the day! We are expecting twins! It was a complete and total shock to us at our 9 week ultrasound and I feel like this whole pregnancy thing is new again. I had a dream pregnancy with my DD no morning sickness, etc. This time I have been pretty sick so here is hoping the 2nd trimester will be as glorious as it is supposed to be. Looking forward to getting to know everyone.
Re: Intro
DS1 born July 2002 (previous marriage).
TTC since Oct 08. DH Dx w/testicular cancer March 09.
MFI due to retrograde ejaculation/azoospermia.
5/2 IVF #1 cancelled due to large follie.
6/14 start Lupron for IVF #1.2. 6/22 start stims.
7/4 ER and Biopsy.
7/9 Transferred 2 (1-4BB and 1-3BB) embryos. 4 frosties.
7/15 +HPT 6dp5dt. 7/18 Beta #1: 193. 7/20 Beta #2: 415.
8/10 1st u/s - It's triplets!