Cloth Diapering

Heavy wetter & prefolds

I'm super new with cloth diapering. My DS is 14 months old. We're using cloth diapers on weekends until the end of October. He'll be out of daycare so we'll be going full time then. 

My question is since he is a heavy wetter (drinks A LOT of fluids during the day) is there a better/more effective way to fold the prefold?

I'm doing this right now: I fold the prefold "wings" onto the thick part of pad, then place the prefold into the cover, then fold the "extra" prefold in half on top of his groin. I've noticed within a hour he has soaked through the prefold.

Thanks Ladies! 

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Re: Heavy wetter & prefolds

  • Agree with PP - it sounds like you just need more absorbency. A larger prefold will do this (because it has more fabric to absorb with) as will a diaper doubler (you just place it in the cover before putting it on your LO. Hemp and bamboo are very absorbent options. The prefold will still be soaked, but you'll have the extra absorbency of the insert.
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  • Our thirsties duo hemp are really absorbent!
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  • You can change the type of prefold you are using to one of the hemp ones.  But if he isn't leaking out of the cover I'd stick with what you use and just change more frequently. 

    We use prefolds exclusively at home, when DS1 was that age he would wet frequently and we'd change him.  However it wasn't too long that he would start to hold his bladder longer and then go.  We've been able to recognize signs or see he hasn't gone in a couple hours and take him to the potty to go there with some success starting around 16 months old. If we were going out of the house (errands, playdates, etc) I'd put him in pockets with the higher absorbancy to last between changes, but if we were just at home I'd just change the prefolds frequently as he went. 

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