So the 16 week post from the Bump says to start looking out for our LOs to say da-da and ma-ma. My son babbles and loves to make lots of noises but I feel like he is not yet close to saying those words. Anyones LO doing this yet at 16 weeks or when did your LO start? Can't wait for him to say ma-ma one day!
Re: "talking"
I can get LO to mimic "oh yeah" pretty well-but only because he says similar sounds already.
TB is kind of weird with some of the things that they expect - LOs DEFINITELY don't start to put together real words at this age. It might be a coincidence, but nothing to really mean 'mom' or 'dad' yet.
But yes, I also can't wait
My dh is military & away for training, we skype every few days and about a week ago our ds saw his face and screamed DAAAAADEEEEEEEEEE over an over. We both looked at eachother like....did that really just happen?! I figured it was just a one time thing, but when he came home a week or so later and snuck in to get ds from his nap he again started smiling and screaming DAAAAAAADEEEEEE so much that drool was flying everywhere and he was huffing to catch his breath haha
Sometimes I'll just repeat sounds, like ma or da. She seems entertained.
Is The Bump just trying to freak us all out or what? Were their advertisers trying to sell a product to help with speech development? Color me cynical.