
Moms of PT'd boys

Sooooo, DH taught Max how to pee standing up last week.  Yay ... kind of.  Then he started antibiotics, got diarrhea and now he thinks he refuses to sit on the potty to poop.  He wants to stand up, which is kind of impossible if you have to go #2.

Any advice?

Re: Moms of PT'd boys

  • Just tell h im that he has to sit to poop.  Just keep tellling AND DH.  If you tell him enough times he will believe you and go with it.

    Good luck.

  • Well I haven't potty trained yet.  But if he is that adament against it could you let him try to poop standing up and then he will see it doesn't work.  You could then have him help you clean up the poop.  Gross I know, but maybe it would convince him??  Just a thought.
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  • I agree with enforcing that even Daddy sits on the potty to poop.  And if he does make a mess, that might be enough for him to stop. 
    Wendy Twins 1/27/06. DS and DD
  • Have DH take DS into the bathroom with him when he poops so he can see that daddy sits to poop and stands to pee.
    Debbie - Mommy to Clayton William 5-3-05, Laurian Lynn 3-6-08
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