
I think I'm breaking up with my pedi

I like my pedi, and I like the practice, but I think I have to leave.  

 My pedi is only there wed-fri, and I wasn't really thinking about this when I signed up, but the end of the week is very busy for me (especially Fridays), so having my appointments at the end of the week is very inconvenient.  I asked if I could switch doctors based on this, and they told me they won't switch doctors inside the practice.

Now I'm also learning that the earliest well visit is at 10:30 in the morning, and the latest is 3:45.  They leave the early morning and late afternoon free for sick visits, which sounds reasonable...but the office is a good 20 minutes away, so unless I can get that elusive 10:30 appointment (not always an option even scheduling 5 months ahead of time like I just tried to), I end up having to choose between shots at lunchtime or shots at naptime.  And during the busiest part of my week.

I know DD isn't going to be this age forever so naptime won't matter forever, but she's my first and I hope to have a few more (maybe quite a few more), so I don't want to be putting up with this for the next 10 years.  So I think I have to break up. It sucks because I like my pedi. :(

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