Cloth Diapering

The "barn" stink

Long story short, I have been CDing (now with 2 kids) for almost 2 years with an HE machine and soft water. We moved about 3 months back, got a new HE washer (newer version of our 2 year old Whirlpool, so no new features) and have mildly hard water. We had zero issues before we moved with a cold rinse, hot wash, cold rinse.

I have tried everything, and our diapers just stink with the dreaded barn stink after every wash. We bought a few new diapers when we moved, and they stink as well, so I know it's the wash routine here. So far I have tried Stripping with RLR, Dawn, calgon; New detergents (tinny bubbles, Rockin green and Nelly's); changing the amount of detergent; washing daily; adding a wet towel to get more water; sunning with every wash.

Any other suggestions? I cannot boil since everything is an AIO. I have natural and synthetic fiber diapers.

The bumpie formerly known as indomesticbliss.....

Re: The "barn" stink

  • I had the same thing. I switched to Tide and the smell went away.
  • Keep adding more detergent, and do more loads. We have to wash every day/have smaller loads with our HE machine, or else we get stink.
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  • Are you using the manufacturers recommended amount of detergent to start? You also might want to add some Calgon to each wash load to soften the water a little so the detergent can do a better job. You might have to wash a load a few times in a row to really clean the diapers. You might also want to try doing a warm rinse instead of cold to loosen up the grime and get the diapers a little cleaner.
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  • I was having this trouble as well and FINALLY got rid of the smell yesterday. We have a front loading HE and hard water. I have BG 4.0 and was washing shell with liners. Separated the 2 (which you obviously can't do), added a wet towel, did hot wash second rinse, cold wash, second rinse for each. Used about half of the detergent recommended (BG says to use 1/4) for each wash, we use All F&C. Took 4 hours so I hope I don't have to do it every time, but my smell is gone. Good luck, barnyard is gross!
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  • imagemargaretkaye1:
    I was having this trouble as well and FINALLY got rid of the smell yesterday. We have a front loading HE and hard water. I have BG 4.0 and was washing shell with liners. Separated the 2 which you obviously can't do, added a wet towel, did hot wash second rinse, cold wash, second rinse for each. Used about half of the detergent recommended BG says to use 1/4 for each wash, we use All Famp;C. Took 4 hours so I hope I don't have to do it every time, but my smell is gone. Good luck, barnyard is gross!
    Wait, you were washing your pockets with the inserts inside them?
    She uses AIOs.
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  • I would check your hot water temp. You might be getting the water hot enough into the machine. Check your water tank, and at the machine. That being said, barnyard smell means not clean enough. Up the amount of detergent you are using until the smell goes away.
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  • I have a HE machine and extremely hard water.  I got rid of all microfiber inserts and now have only hemp and cotton inserts (I think they hold less stink).  I do a cold quick cycle with added bac-out and usually try to stop the machine and let it soak for an hour or so.  Then I do a hot superwash, then a hot rinse cycle.  I also upped my detergent and switched to Planet detergent.  We finally do not have the barnyard stink anymore.  Good luck!

    Oh, I also try to rinse inserts before I throw them in the pail. 

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