Cloth Diapering

CDing and travelling

So obviously this is really pre-emptive but I'm starting to buy a few diapers here and there and was wondering if there's an easy way to CD while travelling.

I live in Scotland and get a year off for maternity. I'm planning on being in the states next summer for 2-3 months (so when the baby is hopefully 6-8 months). I have family in NY, NJ, PA, Florida, Kansas, Missouri, NM and possibly Cali who I will visit - anywhere from an overnight to a 2 week stay. 

Is there any way to actually continue CDing during this time without driving myself and everyone around me insane? Is it ridiculous to assume that people will be fine with me washing diapers in their washing machines? I'm assuming for anything less than 3 days it's just impossible, right? Everyone I will be visiting has a washer/dryer in their home while we actually only have a washer so I was planning on air drying typically.

Before I stock up on any sort of diaper I thought I'd see if there was an option that would make this easier!

Thanks a lot.

TTC #1 since Aug 2010 * BFP Aug 2011, EDD April 16 2012 * MMC @ 7w5d, D&C @ 10w5d
BFP Apr 2012, EDD Dec 19 2012 * twin h/b at 6wk, 9wk scan * Baby A lost at 12wks
Baby B was my rainbow born at 36wks on Nov 27 2012

Lilypie - (kqKn)

Re: CDing and travelling

  • If my relatives are ok with me washing my CDs in their washing machine, then I bring them. However, they are bulky-you might need an extra suitcase for them! Prefolds would be the least bulky (I think), but you would need something else for a nighttime option. I wouldn't go more than 3 days without washing.
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  • It's super easy to pack CD to use while traveling. They just suck a lot of space.

    I wouldn't assume it's okay to use other people's wash machines for diapers though. Just ask. My family and Hs is okay with it...I have friends who are not. I use sposies then. The laundromat is always an option too.

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  • I just came across the BumGenius Flips - do you think that would be easier for travelling? As far as I can understand (still trying to sort out the differences between inserts, doublers, soakers, what can and can't go against a baby's skin - there's just so much choice!)

    Anyway, since you only have to change the insert and can re-use the cover, do you think that's a good option? I could get a lot of inserts and 4-6 covers?

    TTC #1 since Aug 2010 * BFP Aug 2011, EDD April 16 2012 * MMC @ 7w5d, D&C @ 10w5d
    BFP Apr 2012, EDD Dec 19 2012 * twin h/b at 6wk, 9wk scan * Baby A lost at 12wks
    Baby B was my rainbow born at 36wks on Nov 27 2012

    Lilypie - (kqKn)
  • Anyway, since you only have to change the insert and can re-use the cover, do you think that's a good option? I could get a lot of inserts and 4-6 covers? 

    You could do this.. however you may want to try and find out what works best for you. Flips did not work for my DD at all. Also, you can get leaks on the covers sometimes. I personally prefer Pockets and AIOs, and just take an extra suitcase if flying... it's a pain, but I don't want to use sposies.

     Also, I would ask if you can use people's washer/dryer. Some people are weird about it. However, if your LO had a poop explosion I'm sure they would let you wash the clothes in their washer, so you could bring that up and it might change their mind.

    Good Luck and Congratulations...

    Also, Edinburgh is beautiful. DH studied over their at the University for a year. I love it!


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