Cloth Diapering

Trying to get rid of these! (aka, you know you & I both need more dipes!)

 I posted this in FSOT very late yesterday, but I don't think it gets posted on the weekends.

Fuzzibuns, softbums inserts, bummis organic prefolds, gdiapers and inserts all for sale or trade.  Now that we've been going a couple months, I find that we are just an AIO family so I'm focusing on filling out my stash with Thirsties and Swaddlebees.  I'm interested in trying some BG aios too.  The funny thing is I bought a ton of prefolds bc my husband is the one who insisted we try them (I KNEW starting out we would eventually just want aios!) and he HATED the prefolds.  Right now, as we wait for the new diaper order to arrive and LO has grown out of his size 1 Thirsties, he's had to use prefolds a couple times bc all the other dipes were'd think I was torturing him.

The softbums shells listed in the post are pending sale. Thanks for looking!

Re: Trying to get rid of these! (aka, you know you & I both need more dipes!)

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