1st Trimester

Achy lower back (all the time) With occasional abdominal cramps

Nothing seems to be putting my mind at ease about this. I am 5 weeks exactly today and have had a very persistent lower achy back. I will occasionally have spasms in my abdomen if I cough or something but not a lot. I am so fearful of another miscarriage. All the dr will tell me is that "it could be normal." I don't know if I should be excited about this pregnancy or not :( wish my dr would just do a sonogram. 

Re: Achy lower back (all the time) With occasional abdominal cramps

  • I've had miscarriages and ectopics in the past.  I'm also 5 weeks preggers now.  My doc has been doing beta tests every 3 days to be sure that my levels are doubling like they are supposed to.  Once my betas reached 1,000 they were able to make an appointment for a sono.. I go Tuesday.  I think you have to have +1,000 beta levels for sonos.

    I was also worried because of my past problems and because of horible cramping.  Doc said it's all normal but I still can't help but worry.  Make sure that your doc is reminded of your past complications and your concern and need for beta level tests to ease your mind and keep you from stressing.

     Best of luck to you !

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • This could be normal. You may want to try some stretching for the back pain.
    God is amazing! BabyFruit Ticker
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  • I've been having terrible lower back pain too...I was also having a lot of chest/shoulder pain and some abdominal pain, including the quick, sharp pains when I sneezed, coughed or had a bowel movement...I called my Dr. and they told me to go to the ER. This was just a few days ago...they did both a regular US and a transvaginal US and saw the gestational sac, but nothing else...which is completely normal for this early. Most doctors don't want to do a US this early because there is nothing to see. I ended up being fine (after tons of tests and not being allowed to eat for 8 HOURS in the ER) ...but I was very anxious and nervous like you are too. Just wanted to say that having a US this early probably won't put your mind at ease. It hasn't really for me. They said the pain in my abdomen is likely being caused from a small ovarian cyst, which won't have any impact on my pregnancy. 
    --Danielle Sheree BabyFetus Ticker Anniversary
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