
intro & weight gain question

Hi ladies,

I've been lurking your board for a while now and I already find it my most relevant source of information, despite the pile of multiples books I bought after my u/s showed two fetal poles!   I am a FTM very very happy and surprised to be having twins (although my eight week ultrasound to confirm the double bundle is not until next week - however my OB said it is "almost certainly" twins based on the u/s I had at my first OB appointment at 5.5 weeks).

Anyway, my question for twin mamas is how much weight did you gain specifically in the first trimester?  All of my books talk about how I need to be gaining a lot of weight and gaining it earlier on than with a singleton, but in the seven weeks I've been pregnant I've actually lost 3.5 lbs.  (No morning sickness at all - honestly I think it's because I cut out alcohol and happy hour fatty foods!)  My OB also didn't say anything to me about needing to gain more weight than if I was only having one (but maybe she's going to wait until the second U/S to tell me to gain more?).

How much weight did you gain in your first trimester?  Was it from week one or did you really start gaining at a certain week?  TIA!

Re: intro & weight gain question

  • I didn't find out about our twins until the end of my 13th week. At that point I'd lost nearly 12 lbs. As of today I've gained back about 4 because my appetite is slowly returning.

    My doctor hasn't said anything about it and I'm looking forward to discussing it with her at my next appt next week. 

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  • Congrats!

    You will need to gain more weight than if you were PG with just one. I think the rule of thumb is you need to consume 300 extra calories per day per baby so 600 extra calories per day total for twins. My OB said to shoot for gaining 35-50 pounds. I've gained about 40 so far.

    I never threw up in 1st tri either and I only gained maybe 2-3 pounds. I put on the bulk of my weight in 2nd tri. I'm having a hard time eating as much here in 3rd tri since my stomach is so squashed (this is why you really need to be cognizant of eating enough and gaining weight during the 1st and 2nd trimesters).

    Good luck!



    TTC 12/2009
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  • Second trimester is when you really will start gaining you weight. Even for twins. I am on the lower end of the range for what is normal but I have only gained 13 pounds and I am almost 22 weeks.

    I recommend getting on to a pregnancy weight gain calculator that shows weight gain on a table based on what week you are in. There is an option on most of them to click if you are expecting twins. If not then find a different one. This has really helped me to see that there is a broad range of what is considered healthy. 

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  • I gained 5lbs starting from week 5. I think I only gained weight though because peanut butter and bagels were the only thing that calmed my nausea. I started out "underweight" so the doctor was happy with that, but I think most doctors are not worried about 1st tri weight gain.
    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
  • And also what PPs said. You will gain the most in 2nd tri. I think the general rule of thumb is 24lbs by 24 weeks. Someone correct me if that's wrong.
    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
  • I lost 15 pounds- so sick!!!! I gained the most towards the end of the pregnancy- a total of 45 lbs. and it's all gone plus another 15, twins keeps you moving!!
  • I am overweight to begin with so my OB suggested a gain fo 20-25 lbs would be sufficient for me, although most books suggest 24 lbs by 24 weeks. 

    This is where I am so far:

    0 - 14 weeks = no change
    14 - 18 weeks = +9 lbs
    18 - 22 weeks = -2 lbs
    22 - 24 weeks = -2 lbs

    I have gained 5 lbs so far.  My OB is not worried, but I am a tad concerned. Although the girls are measuring at the top end of the range for their gestational range. 

    I gained about 20 lbs pre-preg during IVF so I think my body may actually just regulating that weight.

    Congrats and good luck! 

    Single Mother by Choice. Life didn't work out the way I planned so I did it on my own. IUI #s 1-3, unmedicated = BFN, IUI #s 4-6, 50mg Clomid, Ovidrel = BFN IVF #1: 23R, 20M, 17F. 5 day transfer 2 blasts. 2 Snowbabies BFP 6dp5dt, Beta #1 7dp5dt = 58, Beta #2 9dp5dt = 114, Beta #3 10dp5dt = 187 1st Ultrasound = 5/3, not much to see yet. 2nd Ultrasound = 5/17, TWINS!!! Hospital Bed Rest at 32 weeks due to pre-ecclampsia and severe edema. Audrey Grace, 5lbs9oz, & Lydia Louise, 6lbs, born via emergency c-section on 12/6/12 at 36w1d My IVF Journey
  • Thanks for all the replies - they were very helpful and I feel much better about not gaining anything yet.  I didn't realize it mostly starts in 2nd tri - that's good to know because I've been stuffing my face with protein (I don't normally eat a lot of meat, I'm more of a carb addict) and worrying that I'm going to have super tiny twins if I don't gain immediately.

    Thanks y'all!


  • Yeah, I think I gained about 5 lbs in my first tri (and I didn't have any m/s). I've put on about 15lbs since, and am pretty much tracking more or less right in line with the 24 lbs by 24 weeks rule of thumb.

    My OB suggested targeting 2800 cals/day -- and until just this week (due to BH contractions forcing me to take it easy), I've been hitting the gym 4-5 days a week, as well, so I probably would have been able to put on that weight with only 2400-2500 cals/day if I weren't as active.  

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  • I gained maybe about 5lbs in the first trimester.  I have only gained about 4 more since then.  I asked my doctor about the 24lbs by 24 weeks and he said he was not so much concerned with the number of lbs but more by the babies sizes and growth and my iron, energy etc.  He said I would most likely put on most of my weight end of second trimester through the end. I started on the small side with my weight.

    He said the most important thing is what I am eating and how much.  He gave me a list to follow that tells me how many servings of each thing I need per day with twins.  He said if I am following that and staying away from empty calories I will naturally put on the weight my body needs to carry these two.  The only way he said he would be concerned is if I had not put on 20lbs by week 28 so that basically puts me at 1lb per week to gain.


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  • At 19 weeks I was up 2 pounds. Now at 28 weeks I am up 12 pounds.
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  • I'm 32w2d and only up 12 lbs and despite giving me a hard time my docs arent worried..


    We welcomed our girls on 11.7.12 @ 40w0d!
    Emerson Lily 6 lbs 13 oz & Ellis Willow 6 lbs 9 oz

  • Congrats on your twins! I don't remember how much I gained in the 1T specifically but I did read Dr Luke's book and aimed to pack on as much in the 2T as possible. I was up 15lbs by 16w and I gained a total of 53lbs by the time I delivered at 37w. I ate every few hours in order to pack in calories, ate a lot of raw almonds and other nuts and peanut butter, as well as greek yogurt. I also make a version of Dr Luke's smoothie for breakfast many days to pack in protein and lots of other goodies. Good luck!
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