1st Trimester

I don't know what to eat!

I feel like I'm eating like a toddler. plain pasta and fruit - it's all I'm eating these days. I have an appetite but it's not for anything I have in the house. We go grocery shopping once a week and I don't even know what to buy anymore because my tastes changes daily. My H offers to pick stuff up on his way home from work incase I want anything, but half the battle is figuring out what I want. I have tried looking up stuff on pinterest, listening to my own body, but I just don't have any idea of what I want - only things I don't want.

I was put on dicletin at week 6 after being almost hospitalized for not eating/drinking for a week due to really bad all day sickness. Now that I am eating more, I'm just lost.... I'm sick of bagels, and pasta :(  when do I start to feeling normal again??? no one in my family has had pregnancy nausea this bad before.

TTC since May 2012; BFP July 31st, 2012; EDD April 13th, 2013 BabyFruit Ticker BabyFetus Ticker Anniversary

Re: I don't know what to eat!

  • My first suggestion would be to step away form the plain stuff, start adding to what you are eating a bit at a time, instead of changing what you are eating.

    For instance, add a little parmesan chees to your pasta, or a light butter. Something light, sauce/marinara will probably be too heavy just now.

    Or, add some veggies to the pasta.

    For bagels, add a filling topping, maybe nutella or something similar.

    Peanut butter is filling but I am not a peanut butter fan, so I don't know if you are.

    Sorry, I'm in the same boat at 6 weeks being terribly indecisive and inconsistent with my eating! And I have two toddlers, I've been picking off their plates! Lol, it's terrible.

    <3 Good luck.

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  • thanks - I'm actually kind of worried that I'm "starving" my baby - is that possible at this stage??

    a basic run down of my day looks like this:

    fruit salad for breakfast - usually a mix of 3 fruits (nectarines, strawberries, grapes, blueberries, watermelons, apples, pears, plums) - my entire fridge is basically stocked with fruit

    for snacks i normally have half of a cucumber, a bowl of almonds, more fruit, or toast with peanut butter

    lunch - plain pasta

    dinner - this varies..... homemade fries, corn on the cob, eggs & toast, more pasta

    i'm trying to get as much water as i can, but it's hard.... and i also have lemonade (it's more of a natural lemonade, not that grocery store stuff)

     i'm taking folic acid and fish oil - i stopped my prenatals at around 6-7 weeks incase that was making me sick as well (i've heard the iron content can make u sick). my midwife said it was beneficial for me to have lots of folic acid over a prenatal based on history. 

    TTC since May 2012; BFP July 31st, 2012; EDD April 13th, 2013 BabyFruit Ticker BabyFetus Ticker Anniversary
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  • I hear ya. Weeks 6 through 11 were like this for me every day. So annoying, isn't it? For me, I would usually go for the least disgusting option at the time. I made a lot of quick runs to the grocery store too to get that one thing that didn't make me feel more sick. It was usually carbs or cheese (or both together). Also, something that was quick to prepare was best so I didn't have to spend too much time looking at it or thinking about before putting it in my mouth. But I did spend a lot of time wandering the grocery store isles wondering what to eat. It did gradually get better around 11 weeks, and now it is not nearly as difficult to feed myself.

    Don't worry that you are starving your baby, it is still so small and does not actually need many calories to do the necessary growing right now. It will get what it needs.

    My midwife said that in the 1st trimester, just eat whatever you can stomach, don't drive yourself crazy with trying to keep a balanced diet. However, prenatal vitamins are important. Have you tried one without iron? I take Vitafusion gummies without problem.

  • Don't feel too bad - it sounds like you are still eating relatively well.  I think you are doing better than me!  For breakfast, I try to force myself to have eggs, but it usually ends up being oatmeal with apple chunks or blueberries. (I ate two eggs for breakfast every morning before I got pregnant - but now they make me want to puke!)  For lunch I've been having a small salad if I can stomach it, with a side of macaroni & cheese or a bagel.  And dinner has been mostly pasta with marinara sauce or macaroni & cheese again.  Plus I have indulged in ice cream a few times, although I don't think it agreed with my stomach very well.  I have been feeling very guilty, because my diet usually consists of mostly organic vegetables, legumes, protein and dairy, and now I'm pretty much eating empty carbs all the time!  I don't have my first doctors appointment for another week and a half, and I'm so worried I'm not doing the right things for the babies health.  Hope this nausea passes soon.

     I have been eating 2 or 3 pieces of crystallized ginger each day (in the morning and before bed), and this seems to be lessening the nausea.  Give it a try!

  • I think you're doing pretty well with your diet. I'm happy if I can keep down my breakfast and feel well enough to eat lunch at all. Sometimes I can get down a yogurt or fruit. The other day I had a craving for pancakes and eggs for dinner and that was the first full meal I'd eaten without feeling like death for afterwards for 3 hours. I try to get juice down, but OJ gives me indigestion for hours after :( 

    Keep doing what your doing, the aversions should taper off in the 2nd tri.

    Oh, I agree with PP that taking a prenatal, even if it makes you nauseous, is important. I take that, plus a calcium and vit D supplement...without a balanced diet that is the only way I know I'm getting at least some of the nutrients I need, although I know baby gets what it needs from me right now.  

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