1st Trimester

2nd time bleeding..HELP

a week ago I woke up and took a shower to find that I was spotting a little. It was a little red but kinda had some pink in it too. I had cramps along with all of this as well. I went straight to the doctor. They did a sono first before seeing doctor and saw baby with great fast heart beat. Doctor said it was implantation bleeding and come back in 3dys for repeat check up. Went in 3days later, everything was still fine, saw baby heard heart beat and told to go back to normal activity. Bleeding stopped 2days later. Well, woke up this morning, getting out of the shower noticied pinkish/brown stuff coming out of me. Called the doctor he is out on vacation. Nurse said it was probably fine. My cramps are not that bad. WHAT SHOULD I DO? Has anyone else had the same?

Re: 2nd time bleeding..HELP

  • A) Take a deep breath.

    B) If you are that concerned go to ER. They will usually do an u/s and a pelvic exam. 

    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • Relax. Drink lots of water and rest and keep an eye on the spotting. If you had spotting earlier and everything checked out ok I wouldn't be too concerned if you aren't having severe cramps. 

    FWIW I had 3 or 4 episodes of major bleeding with my son and spotting all the way through week 14.. I had a low lying placenta which they think caused the bleeding, but it's hard to know for sure. My dr told me especially with your first there are a lot of major changes going on down there and some women bleed/spot from all of it.

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  • Take a deep breath.  I know it's easier said that done, but you probably don't have anything to worry about.  When in doubt, call your doctor or go to ER.

     My Dr. said if it's pinkish/brown it's not a big deal.  However if blood is bright red and/or in large amounts that's a problem.  Hope this helps!  I'm sure you'll be fine.

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • I am sorry because I know this must be stressful. I have no advice to add to you but I hope everything turns out well. GL.
    Lilypie Maternity tickers
  • Thanks everyone. I went to the doctors office and saw baby. Everything with baby was good. They dont know why I am bleeding but back on bed rest for another week. Just will try no to worry about it and keep praying. My job is not going to be happy about this again BUT what can I do!


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