So my sister-in-law and I are pretty close, but ever since we told family that we are expecting, she has been very touchy about things. I know she's upset because she has been dating her BF for 10 years and he STILL hasn't proposed-AND on top of that she has baby fever more than I ever did. But now it seems like it's really feeding into her behavior and mood, and she is mad at me daily for something I said, or twists anything I say about my pregnancy into a sob story about herself.
I know it's probably best to be sensitive and not bring up this behavior, but it's getting quite frustrating! Just need to vent I guess...anyone else experience something like this?
Re: SIL (vent)
No congratulations, wow that's great, nothing.
She sent me some gifts and since i had him i haven't heard a word from them.
This pregnancy, i didn't bother calling and it's all over facebook but they haven't said anything.
I just ignore it. I don't need anyone raining on my parade.
So if she gets her panties in a bunch, just brush it off. It's not your fault her BF isn't on the same page she is. So she doesn't need to take it out on you.
My SIL has baby fever and she was actually thrilled for us about our first. It's done wonders for bringing my brother around to the idea of having a baby and she's totally working the angle of "You love your little nephew so much, wouldn't it be great to have one of our own?" and "If your sister can do it, you can too!"
So she's turned it into a way to get what she wants and my brother recently visited us during a work trip and told me that he's ready for kids now that he's seen how much my DH and I enjoy it.