1st Trimester

Nosey Co-Workers

I am only at 10 weeks and not comfortable telling everyone our wonderful news yet. However, at my place of work they changed my duties to keep me safe while being pregnant and co-workers began speculating immediately. Now, I have co-workers who I barely know approaching me asking me flat out if I'm pregnant and getting upset when I don't confirm the rumor.

 I feel like this is really my business and people should respect that more. Am I the one asking for too much? How do I deal with these people?

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Re: Nosey Co-Workers

  • Ugh hate nosey people. I don't think you're wrong at all it's your business to tell when you are ready. I am dreading telling work since I just started in July.
  • That is so rude. Like PP said, don't feel like you have to tell them until you're ready. It's none of their business.

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  • imagedustypinkhalo:
    Ugh hate nosey people. I don't think you're wrong at all it's your business to tell when you are ready. I am dreading telling work since I just started in July.

    same here! 

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • As far as I'm concerned, this is one of the few circumstances where lying is OK. Tell them it's between you and your supervisor. If they won't let up, lie. When the truth comes out, shrug and explain its bad luck to announce it too soon which some people do believe.
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • I'm having the same issue at work, but mine is a supervisor. He keeps telling me that if I don't have a reason documented that I have to do things such as lifting Bag in Boxes of Sodas, cases of sodas, and so on. I talked with my manager about being pregnant and she understands not doing things. I need get a note from the doctor today saying nothing over 20 lbs.
  • I have no intention of telling anyone besides my boss until it's too obvious to deny. If I were you I'd say something very blunt to stop the conversation, "I'm not comfortable discussing my health or body with you or anyone else here at work."
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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