I am 11 weeks pregnant. This is my second pregnancy, my next apt is not until the 18th of this month. Went I went for my first apt. they I had already lost 3 pounds during the first 8 weeks. I have now lost 3 more pounds; I do not have morning sickness, I have been eating like a pig (I must add that I'm a healthy eater but this pregnancy has forced me to eat junk food) I do exercise but less intense than before. I would think A) I would maintain or I would gain weight, Not lose it.
I also have abdominal pain, this occurs pretty much through out the day. Since this is my second pregnancy I wasn't sure if it was normal.
I'm not expecting a doctors diagnosis but just some personal experience's. Has anyone else experienced this? Thanks!
Re: Loosing weight/no reason
DS BFP 8.29.2012 EDD 5.11.2013 born sleeping @ 17 weeks 12.1.2012
Like the moms before me have said you do burn more calories during the first trimester. But remember your baby will take in what it needs. Why are you forced to eat junk food? I would keep an eye on your sodium intake because during your pregnancy you will be more sensitive to having a higher blood pressure. And careful of junk food for the chance of becoming diabetic. I now during the first trimester having any energy is hard enough, but as far as food goes, since you had mentioned you're a healthy eater, look for the healthier option for your "fast food". Most fast food restaurant now show their Food Facts on their websites. One thing I do every night to make sure I at least get in my daily fruit intake is preparing a smoothie the night before, don't blend it til the morning. Usually you can make enough to last you a couple days.