Have any of you heard the one about if you have the hiccups it means the baby is growing? In my case if that is true, then baby should be twice the size he/she is now. I have had the hiccups all day every day for the last two months!
This part is just a small vent. . .
I have had a problem with older women in my church feeling the need to tell me just how easy/difficult their pregnancies were. And asking questions they have no business asking. I even had one woman tell me that now I am preggers I need to (have to) get on fertility treatments and be like the Octo-mom. DH thought for sure I was going to slug that woman right out of the choir loft. I didn't. I know they care so I am not really angry about it just frustrated by the percieved lack of manners. Just waiting now to see if they try to touch my belly when I start to show a little more. Hope not.
Re: Old Wives Tales about hiccups, also nosy elders - part question, part vent.
Haha wait until you get big! People LOVE to make comments, share stories, give advice to pregnant women! You need to have some go to responses in hand for when these things happen!
For me most things don't bother me, they can tell me I look like I'm about to pop, talk about how big the belly is growing, share their labour stories (if they're good), if they're negative I stop them right away, laugh and let them know "I do NOT want to hear this!" and walk away, they don't mean any harm so I try to still keep the response light, but I'm also not going to sit around for them to finish!
The thing about the fertility treatment is just weird though! I'd be firm and a bit sarcastic and let her know that you're pretty sure ONE is enough right now, thanks! what a weird comment! it doesn't even make sense!! fertility treatment is for BEFORE you get pregnant.
oh and they will DEFINITELY try to touch your belly! Be prepared if you don't want that to step back and let them know that you are not comfortable with people touching you.
This. It's all really great advice