1st Trimester

BAD cold!

I have a horrible cold! I maybe slept 5 hours last night! I'm exhausted! What can I take? 

Re: BAD cold!

  • I in the exact same boat. I don't think you're supposed to take anything in the first tri... I could be wrong but I'm choosing not to take anything. I've never trusted medication anyway.
  • My dr. told me nothing until 10/11 weeks. i had a really bad cold with my first and when I called to ask he basically said suck it up. Im pretty sure they don't even recommend tylenol until you are out of your first try. 

     You can however try a humidifier, vicks, saline spray, and breathe right strips.  

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  • When I was pregnant with my son, my doctor ok'd benadryl and mucinex during first tri.  Tylenol is fine too.
  • My doctor said tylenol was fine during first tri. It's very important to keep a fever down right now so if you're getting a fever from the cold and don't want to take any medicine at least make sure you're taking cool showers or something to keep it down. 
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  • Sorry to hear you have such a bad cold, I'm in the same boat. DH's youngest sibling came home from school and brought a cold with her when we were visiting, so it got DS and me sick. My Dr gave me the ok to take tylenol, cough drops, and nasal sprays.
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