Everyone says that being pregnant is an amazing experience. Well I say you LIE!!! I have been the most emotional mess for the past two weeks. I cry at the drop of a hat, I bite MH head off for no reason at all, I feel like a 2-Ton-Tessie.
I am sitting at my desk at work reading Cosmo and all of a sudden, I start bawling, I was looking at an ad for shoes. MH has been so supportive telling me how beautiful I look, how I have made all his dreams come true, made him a better man, blah, blah, blah, I yell at him for no reason and I deny him Mommy Daddy Time (I miss it but I feel so unattractive). I have not gained any weight but nothing fits me. Everything I put on makes me look like I am month further in this pregnancy than my 7 weeks.
I really hope I come out of this funk because I want to be happy about having my first child not thinking OMG what did I get myself into.
Thanks for listening
Re: Ok- I need help. (Emotional Rants of a CRAZY Lady)?
Yes we do.
Thank you, this is pretty much exactly what I got out of it. *shudder*
When it's over they hand you a baby. Nothing else in life has a payoff of that magnitude. Now, for the love of God when talking to adults call it sex. That made my tongue feel furry.
As, in, "Come here daddy I wanna do you?" Barf.