5 BFPs later (crazy?) I'm ready to tell my Dad the news. This will be his first grandchild, and I only have 1 chance to tell him he's going to be a grandpa. I want it to be memorable, but even more, I want it to be FUNNY. Any clever ideas?
My LO was the first grandchild on my side of the family. I gave my mom a frame saying "I love my NANA" (What she wanted to be called.) For my dad I gave my half brother and sister buttons that said "Best Aunt/Uncle" Then had them show my dad. It was cute.
With my In-Laws my LO was the 9th grandchild but their baby boys first ...When we were in High school, my hubby used to drink a ton of Mt. Dew. His mom would tease him that it would kill his sperm and she wanted more grandchildren one day. SO we gave her a bottle of mt. Dew and said it didn't kill his sperm...yes we are very close! lol
We did the Im going to be a big sister Tshirt on DD but a friend of mine did it with the Dog, put the US pic next to it and said "now I have to share my toys with the baby" it was cute and every one laughed.
We gave my parents a picture of a bun in an oven.... took them awhile to figure it out but it was hilarious when they did. The framed photo still sits in their living room
DD was the first grandchild on my husband's side and he's the youngest of 6. It was a big deal. I stole the idea from a website, but he wore a shirt at Thanksgiving that said "My Boys Can Swim 6/14/2010" Everyoone loved it and thought it was funny.
This time to tell my dad (he's in FL and I'm in IL), II called him and told him I was sending him a picture via text. I told him to call me back after he saw it. He was so excited. The other idea I had was to tell him over Skype with DD wearing her "Big Sister" shirt.
Re: Best ways to break the news?
I'm on the fence about this too.
I fear it may be a phone call since I never see him.
My LO was the first grandchild on my side of the family. I gave my mom a frame saying "I love my NANA" (What she wanted to be called.) For my dad I gave my half brother and sister buttons that said "Best Aunt/Uncle" Then had them show my dad. It was cute.
With my In-Laws my LO was the 9th grandchild but their baby boys first ...When we were in High school, my hubby used to drink a ton of Mt. Dew. His mom would tease him that it would kill his sperm and she wanted more grandchildren one day. SO we gave her a bottle of mt. Dew and said it didn't kill his sperm...yes we are very close! lol
I am not telling until Halloween and getting a cute maternity shirt with a mommy skeleton and baby in the belly.
DD was the first grandchild on my husband's side and he's the youngest of 6. It was a big deal. I stole the idea from a website, but he wore a shirt at Thanksgiving that said "My Boys Can Swim 6/14/2010" Everyoone loved it and thought it was funny.
This time to tell my dad (he's in FL and I'm in IL), II called him and told him I was sending him a picture via text. I told him to call me back after he saw it. He was so excited. The other idea I had was to tell him over Skype with DD wearing her "Big Sister" shirt.
I love this for a costume!! Where did you find it? Can you send a link?