Has anyone else experienced this?
I am 7 weeks 5 days today.
I was given a prescription for a yeast infection (I've never had one before) last week. I used it for the first time last night, woke up very itchy today.
This morning I experienced spotting when using the washroom. Having a history of miscarriage I freaked out and headed to the emergency room. The doctor there did a pelvic exam and said he didn't see any thing to be concerned about. He drew my Beta HCG and said compared to my level last week (94,000) it down (today 92,500) but said that this is normal...
has anyone has either of these things happen??? I am kind of freaking out and my GP's office is closed on holidays
Re: Bleeding post yeast infection cream
Did you have intercourse while using the cream by any chance? The cream mixed with intercourse as well as the infection itself and hormones of pregnancy can be a particularly irritating combo - that could well be it. Each infection I got during pregnancy lead to spotting or bleeding, esp. if I had sex either during or after the use of the medication.
Hope everything is well with you, best wishes~!