1st Trimester

First u/s today. Sad and confused

We had our first ultrasound today and I could immediately tell something wasn't right.  The tech went to get the nurse practioner and they said there were two sacs and an embryo(I'm guessing) right in the middle of the two sacs.  I go back Wednesday for more blood work and Monday for another ultrasound.  Has anyone heard of this?  The image on the ultrasound?  Good luck to you all and thanks for any info you might have.

Re: First u/s today. Sad and confused

  • I haven't heard of this, but I am wishing you all the best - hopefully everything will be okay!
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  • My sister once had two sacs and one embryo. The second sac ended up disappearing and my nephew is now a healthy 8 year old. They called it vanishing twin syndrome where the one embryo doesn't make it and the other just absorbs it.

    However, if I read your post right, I've never heard of the embryo outside the sac. I wish you the best! FX. 

    Me 28 | DH 33
    Married 12.21.12
    DD#1 born 5.21.13
    DD#2 due 7.11.16
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  • I hope everything turns out ok.
  • i have heard of this; it's along the lines of the vanishing twin syndrome. it's when you see two sacs but no embryo. for whatever reason the other embryo just doesn't make it. this happens early in your pregnancy; the sac just gets absorbed into your uterus.

    you don't feel anything from it unless it starts to cause you some complications like spotting. i think your Dr. might be worried because the other sac is next to the embryo; they will probably just monitor you for awhile to see what it decides to do. 

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  • I am sorry I hope everything turns out ok
  • I have heard of this but only in theory.

    I hope everything is okay and will be sending positive thoughts your way in the hope that things turn out well. 

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