1st Trimester

do you?

I am only 6 weeks this week and have been having low dull aches, not cramps at all besides a few times when sneezing and the nurses have told me this is normal. This morning I believe I stood up too fast when going to the restroom and I got a little twinge at my left ovary.  When I went to use the restroom (#1) I had a more painful cramp (not severe) until I was done.  About 30 minutes later sitting at my desk I had about 5 little twinges that were more painful but still not a severe pain.  

 Has any of this happened to you guys?  Should I be worried?  

This is my 2nd pregnancy but I have had a m/c before so I continue to stay worried.. I didn't cramp or have aches, nothing with my little boy.


Re: do you?

  • I have heard that as long as there isn't blood with the cramps/twinges, you should be fine. I had cramping that finally subsided this week. Just keep track of it and you can always call your OB if it gets more severe or you have more questions. Hang in there :)
  • I had cramping and twinges when pregnant with my DD into maybe the 6th/7th week?  The only cramping I've had so far with this pregnancy was on what I think was implantation day & the day after. 

    My OB said it was totally normal but if you are concerned I would give yours a call.

    image imageimage

    Always in my heart: BFP 9/6/12 - M/C 9/25/12
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  • I had the same twinges. When I had my ultrasound this morning, she said there was a small cyst there, that was completely normal and good for the pregnancy, but that could be what I've been feeling. It could also be your uterus stretching. As long as you aren't bleeding, or the cramps aren't getting severe, you should be OK.
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  • I had cramps/twinges with my first and again with this one.  Sometimes they are sharp but usually just dull aches.
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  • I got cramps with my son and I am getting thm worse this time. As far as I have heard, it's very normal. They may be worse than with your first (in this case you didn't have them with your first and now you do) because your muscles are already used to being pushed out of the way.

  • I got a bunch of twinges and cramps around week 5-6. The doctor told me it was nothing to worry about. Relax!
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