I'm 11 weeks. Is it to early for me to be showing? I really want to show because i really don't feel pregnant, i feel like crap all the time. My odd thinking is if i start showing things will move around better in my stomach and i'll feel pregnant and just generally better about the whole pregnancy because its been a little rough going since the beginning.
Re: Showing?
You're probably just bloated. Don't worry, before you know it you will actually be showing.
If this is your 2+ baby you may be showing.
Chances are good you're not showing and any belly you do have is bloat BUT my SIL passed her bloat "baby" of as baby because she said it made her feel better. She is also a size 2 and had basically zero fat on her body so she was having a hard time adjusting to her bloat belly.
That said. I believe at 12-13 weeks when you start to enter 2tri is when your uterus moves above your pubic bone and you COULD start to show. Some women don't show till later.. it really just depends. On the bright side try to enjoy still fitting into your regular cloths for now.
Sorry you're feeling down hope baby starts to show early for you!
thanks !! I think we are due around the same time, right now my due date is April 2nd 2013. And we've been married around the same time i think if i'm reading your tickers right. we were married May 21 2010!
this is my first baby and i'm just holding on for that baby glow people say pregnant people have cause right now all im showing is green from being so sick lol.
With DD, I barely showed until I popped at 30 weeks. I could easily hide my pregnant belly because I was carrying so deep. I started needing maternity clothes with DD around 10 weeks from the major bloat.
I'm only 9 weeks, but I have a definite pop in my lower stomach this time around. I'm still in most of my regular pants, but I have to wear loose shirts to hide it from my students.
Pardon me, but I looooooooove your siggy. Hahaha.
How fun! Yes I am due 4/10/12 and I was married on 5/29/10!
Yes, a glow verses green would definitely be a plus. I really find when I'm having a "fat" day or just an all over frumpy mood the Bump really helps - knowing others feel the same way! YOU'RE NOT ALONE!
I'm on my 2nd and my belly def hasa rock solid bump....i was sooo super bloated and looked huge...but now that's passed except at night, and I have a little bump....I'm still in regular pants and clothes...but I'm going to be bigger a lot sooner this time....last time I popped at 15 weeks,,,