1st Trimester

Need a New OB/GYN - Closer to Home or Work

Hi Ladies,

I'm looking for some advice on finding a new OB/GYN.  I got a BFP this weekend after being diagosned with a prolactinoma that kept me from ovulating for the past 6 months.  I've been treating with an RE, but was unhappy with my current OB when I wasn't getting a period for months earlier this year (not taking my concerns seriously, not following up with me with test results, not keeping accurate notes of our prior conversations/appointments).

So I'm looking to switch practices and for those of you that have been preggers and worked during your pregnancy full time, would you suggest a practice that is closer to you house or work?  There are 2 great hospitals that I would deliver at (different hospital systems so likely different practices) one is about 10-15 mins from my work and one is 10-15 mins from my home.  I'm going to ask my RE for reccomendations once I decide which hospital/area is going to be more convenient.

 TIA for any advice!

Re: Need a New OB/GYN - Closer to Home or Work

  • I went with an OB closer to my office, only because toward the end the appointment frequency increases and it's just easier to leave work for an hour than to drive all the way home and all the way back. Many OBs have hospital privileges at multiple locations.

    Also, it's not just about convenience of location. Make sure you find an OB whose views line up well with yours - if you want a natural birth, find an OB who will support that effort. If you want extensive prenatal screening, find one who will work with you on that. etc. etc.

    Charlie 8.06.08
    Emeline 5.28.13

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  • I went with one that was neither close to my work or my house. It was the doctor that I liked that would take me late in my first pregnancy and had views that were similar to mine. It's a pain to drive 45 minutes there, but totally worth it for the peace of mind that it gives me.

    I would find a doctor that is relatively close to either place. It's more important to me to find a doctor that you are comfortable with and has similar views. You can also check out hospitals that you like and make sure they have priviledges there. In my town, most of the doctors go to all of them so it really doesn't matter.

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