I am going in for a second ultrasound tomorrow. I will be 8w 3days (give or take). I already had an ultrasound at 5w2d due to some severe cramping. Everything looked good. I was experiencing a ton of sypmtoms in the last few weeks, exhaustion, sore boobs, nausea, etc etc. This week it seems like everything suddenly stopped.
Has this happened to anyone else? I'm completely freaked. I know at this point I have no control over what happens, but I'm so scared to go tomorrow.
Re: Symptoms disappeared
I think symptoms (typically) peak between 6-8 weeks, and that it is normal for them to deminish or 'disappear' after that point, though I see some rare cases where women get stuck with them for a lonnnnng time.
I never had MS, but I recall feeling much better by week 8 each time. The first few weeks were just plagued with fatigue.
Such as right now.
Enjoy it while you're feeling good!