Im so happy to be pregnant, but I just switched jobs last week!! Ugh no insurance for 90 days. I had insurance for 6 years..this is crazy...I just applied for medicaid in FL but I think ill get declined cause I make $30k at the new job. And since I had a miscarriage my last pregnancy I want to get into a dr asap....anyone know of any pregnancy insurances that are cost effective? research online was so broad .
m/c 2002 7w2d
bfp 9.6.12 | edd 5.17.13 | m/c 9.19.12 5w5d
bfp 10.18.12 | edd 6/28/13
beta#1 10.18.12 - 96 / progestrone 32 || beta#2 10.22.12 - 711 || beta#3 10.25.12 - 2608 DD born 6/27/13
bfp 7.16.14 | edd 3/27/15
beta#1 7.18.14 - 149 || beta#2 7.21.14 - ??
Re: the only bad news..
Your previous jobs insurance should carry through the end of the month or for 30 days... check that first. ALSO, check with COBRA-- they usually pick people up off from other insurances ( such as you leaving your previous job)
Because your pregnant you will most likely not find outside insurance. Pregnancy is considered a pre-existing medical condition. You may just have to pay for bloodwork until you are to get insurance in 90 days. How far along will you be in 90Days?
Thank you for the responses! I did just get the Cobra papers a few days ago, $500/month. ick! I thought pregnancy was protected under the pre-existing protection under HIPAA laws? I hope so!
I'm really hoping the medicaid comes thru, says it takes 15-30 days. May have to get to the dr before then if I can...I really am worried because of past miscarriage.
Also, my boyfriend has insurance, so we are going to see if his insurance would cover me since im a domestic partner or since its his baby. So many hopes!
m/c 2002 7w2d
bfp 9.6.12 | edd 5.17.13 | m/c 9.19.12 5w5d
bfp 10.18.12 | edd 6/28/13
beta#1 10.18.12 - 96 / progestrone 32 || beta#2 10.22.12 - 711 || beta#3 10.25.12 - 2608 DD born 6/27/13
bfp 7.16.14 | edd 3/27/15
beta#1 7.18.14 - 149 || beta#2 7.21.14 - ??
Definitely try to get proof of pregnancy as soon as possible because it was only a few days after I sent that in that I got mine and they're definitely going to request it. I applied for it in May and didn't get it until August but that's because the letters they were sending me for proof of pregnancy were going to my mom's address and I thought they were junk (they say ACCESS by the way). But once I took that in to the DCF office it didn't take long at all. I actually found out at the OB before I got a letter from them.
That would be awesome if your boyfriend's insurance covered you. I've never heard of that before but I've also never tried. Let us know how it turns out!
m/c 2002 7w2d
bfp 9.6.12 | edd 5.17.13 | m/c 9.19.12 5w5d
bfp 10.18.12 | edd 6/28/13
beta#1 10.18.12 - 96 / progestrone 32 || beta#2 10.22.12 - 711 || beta#3 10.25.12 - 2608 DD born 6/27/13
bfp 7.16.14 | edd 3/27/15
beta#1 7.18.14 - 149 || beta#2 7.21.14 - ??
I remember getting independent insurance before DH and I married and Blue Cross def wouldn't cover and pre-existing conditions which included pregnancy. AND when we did get pg the first $3,000 we had to cover anyway. I don't think the birth and pregnancy was much more than that! ugh
W got married so it didn't end up been an issue. I hate the insurance over here. I am from England and am so used to NHS. Health care is far better over here if it makes you feel any better!!
This. I had to do this for insurance issues and went to a free clinic.... they gave me a free ultrasound and the piece of paper saying it was a viable pregnancy. Didn't cost me a thing
This is why we applied for Medicaid. Plus I am due the second we of January so we would have had to pay 3k for prenatal care then another 3k out of pocket at the hospital. With me being out of work for a few months it would have been so hard on top of the medical bills I already have. Before I get pg again I want to have better insurance but Medicaid definitely helped a lot.
I know what you mean about the bad timing! But I'm so happy to be pregnant and have the opportunity I was never sure I'd have.
TTC since May 2006. After 3 failed Clomid cycles, 2 failed Injectibles/IUIs, 2 failed IVFs and 1 failed FET, we moved on to adoption!
Last ditch FET resulted in BFP, and identical twin girls!
According to the Depart of Labor FAQ -- HIPPA prohibits plans from applying a preexisting condition exclusion to pregnancy.
That application applies to GROUP policies - not policies bought by an individual. Her new employer's plan cannot exclude her pregnancy but an individual one absolutely can and will (speaking as an insurance agent AND someone who had it happen during my pregnancy with DD). Not only that but there are many policies that have maternity coverage that have a waiting period (i.e. cannot buy or upgrade your policy once you know you're pregnant or you can reasonably suspect you are pregnant).
Socializing foster puppies since 2009
Chart for TTC#2
m/c 2002 7w2d
bfp 9.6.12 | edd 5.17.13 | m/c 9.19.12 5w5d
bfp 10.18.12 | edd 6/28/13
beta#1 10.18.12 - 96 / progestrone 32 || beta#2 10.22.12 - 711 || beta#3 10.25.12 - 2608 DD born 6/27/13
bfp 7.16.14 | edd 3/27/15
beta#1 7.18.14 - 149 || beta#2 7.21.14 - ??
Check around your area for community health centers. I actually choose to go to one despite having insurance because they're very supportive of natural birth, have a fantastic midwife that also does home birth on the side and they deliver at the hospital that I like.
They're not the prettiest doctors office but they provide amazing care and if you don't have insurance they work on a sliding scale for your visits.
Pansy - thank you! I will check around for sure!
m/c 2002 7w2d
bfp 9.6.12 | edd 5.17.13 | m/c 9.19.12 5w5d
bfp 10.18.12 | edd 6/28/13
beta#1 10.18.12 - 96 / progestrone 32 || beta#2 10.22.12 - 711 || beta#3 10.25.12 - 2608 DD born 6/27/13
bfp 7.16.14 | edd 3/27/15
beta#1 7.18.14 - 149 || beta#2 7.21.14 - ??
This. We have an independent coverage...DH works for his uncle so he pays for most of it, but it is like $600 a month, AND we had to wait a year to get maternity coverage. It sucks but it is amazing coverage. We found out the other day it's going to cost a total of $100 out of pocket to have this baby.
Both of my births were over $30K for just the births, not the prenatal visits, not the 22 u/s with DS nor the 28 with DD, not the high-risks docs, not DD's week long special care nursery stay. DS's total bills including everything were well over $50K, DD's was $75K. I paid $2200 OOP for DS (his circ was not covered) and $1500 for DD. My deductible & OOP max is $250 each. Both pregnancies spanned two benefit years hence I met the ded and oop max both years (each time before I delivered in March) and DD had an OOP max since she couldn't be discharged when I was and had a separate admission.
Insurance is there if you need it. No one expects to need a c/s with their first child as I never expected a 10 lb 39 weeker. I certainly never expected the emergency c/s at 37 weeks with my 9+ lber.
I was high-risk due to PCOS and fertility treatments with my son. I ended up wiith GD at 28 weeks. I was high-risk with #2 for all the same reasons.
$500 a month isn't bad when you think of all that could go wrong.
I once had a picture until the trolls showed up.
TTC #1 7/08 PCOS dx 8/28/04 Met 1000 mg and Clomid cycles 1-4 1/6/09-5/2/09 BFN
Clomid 100mg 6/4/09=O'd=BFP on 6/29/09! Beta@14DPO 70.8 Beta@16DPO 152. EDD 3/7/10.
First u/s on 7/13/09 @6w0d heard and saw heartbeat 102 bpm.
K M #1 arrived via c/s 3/1/10 10 lbs, 22 inches long at 39 weeks.
Surprise expecting #2. Med-free BFP on 8/1/11! Beta@15DPO 58.2 Beta@17DPO 198.3 Beta@23DPO 2338. EDD 4/9/12
K M #2 arrived via c/s 3/19/12 9 lbs 2 oz, 21 inches long at 37 weeks.
"If we weren't all crazy we would go insane."
Ugh that's awful, talk about a reason for health care reform.
Thank you for clarifying.