1st Trimester

New and question


This is my first post. MH and I found out we are expecting about a week ago after being told we probably couldn't have kids naturally. I'll be 10 weeks on Monday and we are very excited!

 I have what seems like a silly question. I have been doing Pilates and love it! This will be my first class since knowing I'm pregnant. There is a short section that is done on your stomach and I'm not sure if that's OK now that I'm housing a baby. I have researched some and I know it says you can sleep on your stomach as long as you are comfortable but I didn't know if it would be any different doing exercises on your stomach. I'm thinking it might be OK since it's arm work that we do at that time and I could prop my pelvis with a towel. Thoughts?

 I am going to call my doc, too just to make sure but it sometimes takes them a bit to respond to the nurses line. I will also be telling my instructor that I'm pregnant for any other modifications. 

TIA and sorry if this is silly. I feel this should be much more obvious to me. :) 

Re: New and question

  • I would do it. the baby is really protected in there. once you are further along though I would skip out on that section of the class.
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  • I would tell your instructor. He or she should be professional about it and let you know what you can and cannot do. I'm not one for telling early, but it's as much a protection for your instructor as you.
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  • I work out and don't do anything that involves laying on my stomach b/c it is uncomfortable but maybe it's just me and in my head.  Do what you are comfortable with. 
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  • I think the bigger concern is not to do exercises where you lie on your back after the 1st tri.  I did Pilates while pregnant with DD, and stomach was OK as long as I was comfortable.  It was when I got into 2nd tri that I had to stay off my back.
    Lilypie Maternity tickers

    DD: 6/21/10
    DS: 10/11/14
  • I would tell the instructor just to be on the safe side. You should be fine as long as you are comfortable. It's just starting to be uncomfortable for me on my stomach, but loved different stretches and sleeping on my belly previously.

    FWIW, it's not a silly question. You want to make sure your baby is safe. That makes you a good mommy already.

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