1st Trimester

For 2nd Time Moms (or 2nd Tri) - Gender?

I keep reading conflicting things about how early they are able to tell the baby's gender.  I understand that sometimes they're wrong, and I would imagine that the earlier it is, the less often they are correct?... but how many weeks were you when you found out?

 I CANT WAIT to know what it is!!!!!!

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Re: For 2nd Time Moms (or 2nd Tri) - Gender?

  • My doctor made a round about statement when I asked if she could tell at 16 weeks. She said "Don't go out buying pink, but I don't see a penis." It was confirmed a girl at my anatomy scan at 18 weeks.
    Peanut BFP 9.18.2009 EDD 5.23.2010 m/c 10.16.2010
    DD#1 BFP 4.28.2010 EDD 1.10.2011 born 12.27.2010
    DS BFP 8.29.2012 EDD 5.11.2013 born sleeping @ 17 weeks 12.1.2012
    DD#2 BFP 5.7.2013 EDD 1.11.2014 born 1.10.2014
    Jelly Bean BFP 2.25.2015 EDD 11.7.2015

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  • I was 18 weeks. 
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  • 20 weeks for me. It felt like an eternity waiting that long.
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  • 18 weeks, but we were team green last time.
  • With my first I was only 15 weeks! And it was clear as day a boy! Very obvious and noticeable, haaha I still have the u/s pictures! He is 5 now! But I'm pregnant with the 2nd now and can't wait to find out, I hope this obgyn will look early too, I know a lot of offices have you wait until 18 weeks!
  • Yikes, that's exciting.  I guess if it's a boy, its a boy.. if it's a girl, maybe they're just not seeing it or it's not big enough yet?  LOL.
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  • imagemrshall10210:
    Yikes, that's exciting.  I guess if it's a boy, its a boy.. if it's a girl, maybe they're just not seeing it or it's not big enough yet?  LOL.

    18 weeks... If its a girl they look for 3 lines 

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker BabyFetus Ticker
  • We found out at around 14 weeks at our NT scan... the woman kept saying "there are no guarantees" because  they are told to say that when it's so early. The woman that did my bloodwork said she had never been wrong... and sure enough she was right. We confirmed at around 18 weeks
  • With DS1 I was 18w, with the twins I was 17w.  It was clear as day both times.

    GSx1 - 05/13/2013
    GSx2 for T&B - EDD 6/21/2015 - They're having a GIRL!

  • I was 20 weeks.
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  • I had an elective u/s at 16w1d, and it was MORE than clear it was a girl.  But it all depends on how the baby is laying and what kind of shot they get.  I got lucky.
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  • I found out at 20 weeks last time. This time I pestered the tech at my 12 week NT Scan and she was really reluctant to answer because she's not supposed to, but she told me she thinks it's a girl :)
  • 18 weeks. I have a girlfriend who found out at 12 weeks! 
  • With both pregnancies, my MFM gave me an 85% guess at my NT scan. He was right both times. I have since moved, so I hope my new Dr will do the same thing.

    I found out for sure at 16 weeks both times.

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  • I have heard of Drs and U/S techs making guesses as early as the 1st trimester scan u/s which is around 12 weeks.

    The problem with early guesses is that all babies start off with what looks like a penis and eventually the girls goes away and turns into a vagina. So there's a good chance you could be told boy when it's really a girl. I think around 14 or 15 weeks they can make a pretty good guess if they have a good view.

    But your anatomy scan around 18-20 weeks is your best bet :)

    Lilypie Third Birthday tickersLilypie First Birthday tickersLilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • 20 week anatomy scan.

    Mama to Mason (7) and Asher the Crasher (3).
    Married to Topher (10 years). 32 years young in Oklahoma.

  • we found out we were having a boy at 16 weeks. this time around i think i'll schedule it around 18 weeks. my dr gives you a window of when you can schedule the appt, 16-20 weeks. i was sooooo anxious with baby #1 that i wanted to find out asap but that was pretty risky. this time i'm planning to schedule at 18 weeks because we will be going to FL to visit family for thanksgiving and i'll be 19 weeks...hoping to make a gender reveal cake for all of them!
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  • My Drs office is strict about 20 wks and will not make an appointment for a day sooner. But I've had friends find out around 16 weeks and have it re-confirmed at 20.
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  • We found out through our amnio at 15 weeks. 100% accuracy on that one, barring any lab sample mix-ups.

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • I was 19 weeks when I found out with my daughter.
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  • My doctor does the anatomy scan at 20w.  Some docs will do them a couple weeks earlier.
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  • I was one of the ones that had the technician at my NT scan at 12 weeks say "boy" but also told us not to paint the room yet. It was confirmed at 20 weeks :) We opted to keep it to ourselves until 20 weeks, just in case they were wrong. But it was fun knowing what it "might" be that early! :)
    carrie ~ me-at-carrie.cc ~ 4/21/2007
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