I keep reading conflicting things about how early they are able to tell the baby's gender. I understand that sometimes they're wrong, and I would imagine that the earlier it is, the less often they are correct?... but how many weeks were you when you found out?
I CANT WAIT to know what it is!!!!!!
Re: For 2nd Time Moms (or 2nd Tri) - Gender?
DS BFP 8.29.2012 EDD 5.11.2013 born sleeping @ 17 weeks 12.1.2012
My BFP Chart
Make a pregnancy ticker
18 weeks... If its a girl they look for 3 lines
GSx1 - 05/13/2013
GSx2 for T&B - EDD 6/21/2015 - They're having a GIRL!
With both pregnancies, my MFM gave me an 85% guess at my NT scan. He was right both times. I have since moved, so I hope my new Dr will do the same thing.
I found out for sure at 16 weeks both times.
I have heard of Drs and U/S techs making guesses as early as the 1st trimester scan u/s which is around 12 weeks.
The problem with early guesses is that all babies start off with what looks like a penis and eventually the girls goes away and turns into a vagina. So there's a good chance you could be told boy when it's really a girl. I think around 14 or 15 weeks they can make a pretty good guess if they have a good view.
But your anatomy scan around 18-20 weeks is your best bet
Mama to Mason (7) and Asher the Crasher (3).
Married to Topher (10 years). 32 years young in Oklahoma.
We found out through our amnio at 15 weeks. 100% accuracy on that one, barring any lab sample mix-ups.
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