1st Trimester

Positive hpt earlier for one pregnancy vs another pregnancy??

Hi ladies-So I am currently in the 2ww, which will be over tomorrow. I had a chemical pregnancy last month and when I took a hpt I got a BFP on 12dp IUI. This time around I tested day 12 and today day 13 post IUI both came back negative. No signs of AF though either. I'm due on Friday for AF and that's when I'm scheduled for my beta. The thing that was different this time around was that when I went in for my monitoring u/s and did blood work my RE called me a few hours later to say I had started to ovulate already. So we had to push my IUI up to the next am. I then was told to still take the ovidrel shot (took it at 5pm) and IUI was 930 am the next am. I had three mature follicles all measuring more than 22mm. So I was hoping that if I missed one then maybe I would "catch" another one!So my question really is...do you think I'm still "in the game."???
IUI #1 BFN, IUI #2 M/C 5 WEEKS, IUI #3 BFN, IUI #4 BFP!! Beta 1: 109 BabyFruit Ticker

Re: Positive hpt earlier for one pregnancy vs another pregnancy??

  • you very well could be. With my DS I never got a positive home test. Ever. I had to get a blood test. With DD I was 9dpo and I got a BFP THIS pregnancy I tested one week before AF with a FRER and nothing three days after AF was supposed to be here I got a BFP really faint... It could possibly be. :)
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