What time do you go to bed? Lo goes to bed at 9PM and I usually crash at by 10:30PM I seem to go bed really early. But I barely make sure the sink is empty before I go to bed. Anyone feel the same way.
DS goes to bed at 8, and I'm usually up til 10ish. Sometimes the kitchen is clean sometimes it's not! Lol it really depends on how crappy work was and if I have to work the next day
DH usually has DD in bed by 8. I don't get home from work until 1130pm and asleep usually by midnight. She use to sleep until at least 7am , but not anymore shes all over the place now. I would love for her to sleep until 8 or 9.
DD is in bed around 8 pm. DH and I go to bed around 10:30 or 11 pm. I probably should go to bed at around 10 pm because DD is up at like 6:15 am on the dot every day and I feel like I never get enough sleep. I would love it if she would sleep until 7 am, but that rarely happens!!
One thing I do always do is clean up the kitchen before I go to bed. I don't like doing it, but I hate waking up the next morning to a sink full of dirty dishes. The rest of the rooms can wait for another day, but my pet peeve is a dirty kitchen.
DH: 34/Me: 35 Married: Feb 2008 DD: June 2011 TTC# 2: April 2014 BFP!! 8/29/16 --> EDD: 5/11/17....it's a GIRL!!!
LO goes to bed at 7:30 and DH and I go to bed at 9:30. I wish it could be later but we're always exhausted. J is a super early riser....5/5:30am most days.
For me it is anywhere from 9 (rarely) to midnight...usually around 11ish. Dh is third shift so even nights he is home he usually doesn't go to bed same time as me because he won't be able to slerp.
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I feel old. DD is in bed by 7:30 and DH and I go to bed anywhere between 9 and 10. Occasionally if we went to bed really late the night before, we'll go upstairs and watch tv in bed at 8 or 8:30 and fall asleep super early. We're lame, lol. But we get up at 6 and I'm out the door by 6:30 and DH and DD are not far behind me.
I feel old. DD is in bed by 7:30 and DH and I go to bed anywhere between 9 and 10. Occasionally if we went to bed really late the night before, we'll go upstairs and watch tv in bed at 8 or 8:30 and fall asleep super early. We're lame, lol. But we get up at 6 and I'm out the door by 6:30 and DH and DD are not far behind me.
Don't feel bad. We are on about the same schedule. DD is in bed by 8pm. I'm usually productive for a half an hour or so then I watch TV in bed for about an hour. I'm usually asleep between 9:30 and 10pm and DH is in bed by 10pm. DH and I are up between 6am and 6:30am and DD normally wakes soon after.
I will say that we were pretty much "early to bed, early to rise" people even before DD arrived.
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DD goes down at about 9:45. We all sleep in later than normal people though. H is a chef and works till late so If I went to bed earlier I would never see him. If DD went to bed earlier she would up way to early for me to get a reasonable amount of sleep? I do get some stuff done after she goes down, before he gets here.
D goes to bed at 7 - 7:30, and I'm usually in bed by 9. We're up between 6 and 6:30, and if I'm up much past 9:30, I'm dead on my feet the next day. Haven't quite found the right mix of meds and vitamins to combat the fatigue that lupus causes.
for me, lights out is usually around 10. dd2 goes to bed with me, and she's usually asleep by 9:30. dd1 is dh's responsibility at bedtime. sometimes he puts her to bed at 8:30. sometimes he waits until she says she's tired, which might not be until 10.
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M falls asleep between 8 and 10pm most nights and I generally don't go down until midnight-1am (sometimes 2!). If I stay up a lot later than her I am sorry the next day, but I can't seem to stop! I like to have a little me-time. Sometimes I'll do some cleaning or prep dinner for the next day (like chopping veggies for a crock pot meal). Or I'll read or watch tv...I should use the time to run on my treadmill, but I'm sure I'll do plenty of that this winter.
Oh, and DH is all over the place- he mostly goes to bed a little earlier than me- maybe 11-12, but he'll stay up until 3am or later playing video games at least once a week (usually a weekend day so he can sleep in). He also has a day every week or 2 when he crashes around 7pm and stays asleep all night.
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DD is in bed by 7:30-8pm. I want to go to bed ~10pm but I rarely get to bed by then- usually I'm up until 11 or 11:30p. It's hard to pass up that "free" time. But I usually regret it the next day when DD wakes up at 6am.
Liam goes to bed around 7:30, Jake goes to bed around 8. I'm a nighttime shower-er, so I do that once they're in bed while my husband tackles cleaning up the kitchen and starts packing lunches for the next day (we don't eat dinner until close to 7 by the time he gets home, so cleaning up dinner stuff usually has to wait until the kids are in bed)
We used to head to bed by 9:30 or 10, lately it's been creeping closer to 10:30 or even 11 some nights. I'm up at 5:15am, so I really should go to bed earlier, but I find that I really need and enjoy that downtime once all of the work around the house is done....I love to just plop down on the couch and watch mindless TV, I can't help myself!!
DD goes to bed around 7 - 7:30. DH and I usually head into the bedroom around 9. He is usually asleep right away, and I stay up and watch TV until 10 or 10:30, then fall asleep shortly after.
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Ty typically goes to bed 8/830 and I generally go to bed about 10/1030 during the week. I stay up way too late on the weekends
ETA: during the week I have the same routine. Ty goes down, I go take my shower, set out clothes for the next day and sort my laundry if needed. I then straighten up toys and the kitchen (DH is starting to get good about cleaning from dinner while I give Ty his bath so I don't have to do that generally). Go downstairs and DH and I watch a little TV together and I do a load of laundry if needed.
Lately I've been going up at 10, fill the cats water and food bowls then go read for 15-30 minutes.
Lo goes to bed about 9:30. DH and myself usually make it to bed about 11. The past few nights, I haven't gone to sleep until about 1:30 though. Not sure what's up with me.
Liv is usually in bed by 7 or 7:30 and I am asleep usually between 11 to 1am. I know. I should really try to go to bed early too but I feel like I am finally able to have some me time. And i obviously love me some me time.
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Callie goes to bed around 8. I go to bed around 10...sometimes don't go to sleep till 11. Lately I've been going upstairs a little earlier, 9/9:30 and fall asleep before 10.
The kids are in bed by 8:00. I aim to be in bed by 10, but I ususally end up watching my DVR'ed programs and go to bed around 11- 11:30. It's not that I have too much to do, I just think "one more program, and I can FF through the commercials" (I never learn). I'm really feeling it this week, I need to get back to going to bed 10-10:30.
Re: Mommy & Daddy Bedtime
DD1 & DD2 are both in bed by 8. Lights out on school nights for DD1 by 8:30 on school nights (she has to get up at 5:45 to catch the bus).
DH and I are usually in bed by 11. Some nights I want "me" time. On those nights I will stay up to 12:00 or 12:30.
Avery usually sleeps until 7:30 or 8:00, so I still get enough sleep going to bed late.
LO goes to bed between 7:30-8:30, depending on her nap.
We go to bed around 11, which is fine b/c LO usually sleeps until 8.
C goes to bed between 8:30 and 9.
Most nights MH and I go to the bedroom at about 10 and read or watch the news until 10:30 or 11.
DD is in bed around 8 pm. DH and I go to bed around 10:30 or 11 pm. I probably should go to bed at around 10 pm because DD is up at like 6:15 am on the dot every day and I feel like I never get enough sleep. I would love it if she would sleep until 7 am, but that rarely happens!!
One thing I do always do is clean up the kitchen before I go to bed. I don't like doing it, but I hate waking up the next morning to a sink full of dirty dishes. The rest of the rooms can wait for another day, but my pet peeve is a dirty kitchen.
DH: 34/Me: 35
Married: Feb 2008
DD: June 2011
TTC# 2: April 2014
BFP!! 8/29/16 --> EDD: 5/11/17....it's a GIRL!!!
Don't feel bad. We are on about the same schedule. DD is in bed by 8pm. I'm usually productive for a half an hour or so then I watch TV in bed for about an hour. I'm usually asleep between 9:30 and 10pm and DH is in bed by 10pm. DH and I are up between 6am and 6:30am and DD normally wakes soon after.
I will say that we were pretty much "early to bed, early to rise" people even before DD arrived.
Around 1 or so.
DD goes down at about 9:45. We all sleep in later than normal people though. H is a chef and works till late so If I went to bed earlier I would never see him. If DD went to bed earlier she would up way to early for me to get a reasonable amount of sleep? I do get some stuff done after she goes down, before he gets here.
And Then There Were Three...
Married: 08/14/10
Baby #1 Born: 06/18/11
June Moms Blog
M falls asleep between 8 and 10pm most nights and I generally don't go down until midnight-1am (sometimes 2!). If I stay up a lot later than her I am sorry the next day, but I can't seem to stop! I like to have a little me-time. Sometimes I'll do some cleaning or prep dinner for the next day (like chopping veggies for a crock pot meal). Or I'll read or watch tv...I should use the time to run on my treadmill, but I'm sure I'll do plenty of that this winter.
Oh, and DH is all over the place- he mostly goes to bed a little earlier than me- maybe 11-12, but he'll stay up until 3am or later playing video games at least once a week (usually a weekend day so he can sleep in). He also has a day every week or 2 when he crashes around 7pm and stays asleep all night.
My two boys are getting a surprise May 2015!
Liam goes to bed around 7:30, Jake goes to bed around 8. I'm a nighttime shower-er, so I do that once they're in bed while my husband tackles cleaning up the kitchen and starts packing lunches for the next day (we don't eat dinner until close to 7 by the time he gets home, so cleaning up dinner stuff usually has to wait until the kids are in bed)
We used to head to bed by 9:30 or 10, lately it's been creeping closer to 10:30 or even 11 some nights. I'm up at 5:15am, so I really should go to bed earlier, but I find that I really need and enjoy that downtime once all of the work around the house is done....I love to just plop down on the couch and watch mindless TV, I can't help myself!!
Photos from Libby Hilf Photography
Jake - 1.15.08
Liam - 5.17.11
Ty typically goes to bed 8/830 and I generally go to bed about 10/1030 during the week. I stay up way too late on the weekends
ETA: during the week I have the same routine. Ty goes down, I go take my shower, set out clothes for the next day and sort my laundry if needed. I then straighten up toys and the kitchen (DH is starting to get good about cleaning from dinner while I give Ty his bath so I don't have to do that generally). Go downstairs and DH and I watch a little TV together and I do a load of laundry if needed.
Lately I've been going up at 10, fill the cats water and food bowls then go read for 15-30 minutes.