I'm devastated. Absolutely devastated. I spotted a little yesterday and took it easy. This morning I woke up to full blown bleeding. I'm going to call my OBGYN when they open. I can't believe it... We told all our family and now this? I'm heartbroken..

BFP#1: 08/30/12 EDD 04/30/12 m/c 09/04/12 6wks
BFP#2: 01/27/13 EDD 10/06/13 missed m/c 02/25/13 9wks
BFP#3: 10/30/13 EDD 07/05/14 Our little dude was born on 07/10/14 @ 2:19p 
Re: Probably miscarrying...
Full blown bleeding like period? or like wayyy heavier?
I am experiencing what seems like my period. I have a doctors appt at 1pm. I'll send you some good vibes!
good luck!
I can't imagine how worried and scared you are, but try not to jump to any conclusions until you see the doctor. I hope that you are not miscarrying and that there's a reasonable explanation for this.
Good luck.
I'm sorry bewildering, just hang in there and wait until your doctors appt.
sending you a ton of good vibes and (((hugs))).
I am really sorry you are going through this.
I wouldn't give up hope yet. It could be a subchorionic hematoma like the pp mentioned. I had a subchorionic hematoma and they couldn't find a fetal pole on my 6 week ultrasound. I was certain I was miscarrying for over a week. Went back for a follow-up u/s and turns out I o'd a few days late and had the subchorionic hematoma.
Thoughts and prayers to you.
My two boys are getting a surprise May 2015!
THIS!!! I have had a loss, and around 9weeks of this pregnancy i had the bleeding you described. It was BADDDD, and i was having some cramping, and due to the fact that i miscarried at about 6-7weeks before i was convinced of the worse. BUT...i actually was diagnosed w/ placenta previa and that was the reason for the bleeding. So there is hope...hang on to it, and i will pray for you and your LO.
Hang on to hope! My last pregnancy ended in miscarriage, and I can tell you there is no doubt in your mind when it is happening. There are several reason to see blood, so until your doctor tells you or you literally soak a pad try to stay calm. I know it's so much easier said than done, but the stress will not help. Take care of yourself!
BFP#1: 08/30/12 EDD 04/30/12 m/c 09/04/12 6wks
BFP#2: 01/27/13 EDD 10/06/13 missed m/c 02/25/13 9wks
BFP#3: 10/30/13 EDD 07/05/14 Our little dude was born on 07/10/14 @ 2:19p